People with vested interests in retaining the status quo...
...protest about proposed changes to said status quo.
Tell you what Julie, Tim, and all your other tax-dodging friends: It's not as if you're short of a few pennies, and it'd make a change from the hypocritical "Donate all your money to CHARIDEE!" bullshit we keep hearing from you and your Z-list celeb friends. So, how about *you* stop paying your armies of accountants to fight a never-ending war with the Inland Revenue (i.e. The People of Britain) in the interest of selfishly reducing your tax payments to the lowest conceivable level?
Until you promise to do that, and ACT on that promise, you really do not get to tell us, The People, how to run our damned country. Either contribute properly, or f*ck off to bloody Liechtenstein and shut the hell up.
While I'm in favour of encouraging a greater entrepreneurial spirit in the UK, I have no illusions about either Labour or Tory governments. Their track records are woeful, and they've been kow-towing to Big Business for well over thirty years now.
The main parties are too full of the failed, incompetent dregs of other professions. Why are people who couldn't succeed in the real world supposed to be a good choice for running a country?
The results speak for themselves: A country which rewards failure, lauds the incompetent, and prizes short-termism.
In case these idiot "businesspeople" have forgotten, it's precisely *because* of New Labour and the Tories' laissez-faire approaches to commerce and the economy that we've had this mammoth recession lately. Even the most pro-business parties are talking about drastic austerity measures and massive cuts in services.