@ Anonymous Coward 11:50GMT
"Except that, D'OH, that doesn't work because of the registry."
Funny, my copies of Battlezone 2, X2 and Master of Orion 2 don't have any problems whatsoever with the registry. Copy, create shortcut, play. Oh, with MoO2 you copy the CD files over too, and point a config file at the destination directory. Not exactly deep magic.
Doom 3 and Unreal Tournament 2004 aren't entirely DRM-less, but they are much more agreeable than Steam. And.. please don't try to tell me that the registry will be a problem, considering both of these titles are running natively, and quite happily, on Toy Unix.
"Tetris doesn't count. Pick up any new PC title from the shops today and install it in 5 minutes, I DARE you. Try and play it at all within half an hour of getting the disc (or finishing the pirate download, in your case) and you will find yourself sadly disappointed."
A lot of that is due to shitty DRM wanting to install special drivers and whatnot. I believe I already mentioned giving up on PC games because of DRM.
"You anti-Steam trolls always refer to it as malware but never under any circumstance do you list a single reason why you believe that. Other than 'because I don't like paying for games'."
Because I don't want it, and yet it's required in order to play, for no reason other than "We think you're a criminal". I resent that accusation, and Steam is malware. Maybe I should take a photograph of the various genuine titles I've bought? Or maybe I'd just get accused of wrapping photocopies around DVD covers?
Bloody DRM trolls, eh? They never give me a single good reason to just bend over and take it.
"Neither do I. Steam remembers it for you. Maybe you should try using it before dissing it, eh?"
What, really? Even when you do a new installation?
By the way, how long does it take to install a game from disk, versus over some shitty BT-based "broadband" miles from the exchange like, well, anyone near me?
"Maybe if you had listed these magic no-DRM, no-install-time, no-CD titles you are playing, your comment would have had some level of credibility higher than "none"."
"Now to quote my friend Willy, "You lose, you get nothing, good day to you sir""
Quite. Now I'll be getting back to my X2 empire. Been building up an armada of M2s and M6s for the final quest mission over the last few months. It's nice to do that and not have to worry about what happens if the hard drive throws a wobbler and deletes all of my nicely copied data.
It's amusing that you can buy X2 on Steam.. and yet the disk version has a DRM-removal patch available from Egosoft's forums.