I guess they'll be be buying it at a substantial discount.
I'm not sure that even 100% discount would be sufficient. Maybe I just don't like McAfee. Maybe I have reasons, too.
Wall Street investors showed new optimism in the shares of anti-virus provider McAfee after financial analysts speculated it may be acquired by Hewlett-Packard. On Monday, shares in McAfee rose $1.44 to $41.57, the biggest gain in two months following a report from Friedman Billings Ramsey & Co. that an acquisition of the …
Sheesh -- this used to be the rumor about HP buying Symantec. Now it's McAfee. Anything to generate options volume in a slow market... expect a new rumor next week. Maybe it'll be HP to buy Apple. Or EMC. Or Tommy's (Sandwich) Joynt in San Francisco.
Paris... because she always knows what she's bagging.
EDS was acquired by the services unit in HP. Which is a 40-50 bill$ business and gobbled up a 10-15 bill$ business. Nobody in the PC unit of HP was probably even consulted for that move.
Now this is [if the news is true] going to be a purchase by HP's PC unit - which is again a 40-50 bill dollar business by itself. They have nothing to do with what's happening in the EDS world.
Big companies, like GE & HP, have several businesses managed by one corporate. This helps in cost cutting & branding and little else.
Paris, coz she's a little slim b0rging m/c.
So McAfee shows the world and his dog how simple it is for an automatic update to con an administered system that it is an upgrade rather than an assault which immediately renders the perp apprehended and the whole member gang liable to ruinous expenses claims, and this is an attractive product for corporate purchase and ponzi market speculation?
I must have missed something to find that being anything of great value whenever it appear to be such a crock, but hey ........ sub-prime is king in some markets and thought to be real smart but that sure is a crock too and for dodgy crooks on the take rather than savvy investors on the make.
recall button. They must have written the report BEFORE last week's kerfluffle. Can't see HP buying McAfee anywhere near $45/share this year, no matter how much it helps them compete against Cisco. Which I'm not sure why they'd want to anyway since they don't exactly have similar market segments in the first place.
DeWalt like to be the main guy, the big "playah" at companies. Being owned by HP would probably not excite him unless a substantial number of options were to vest immediately. An earlier person is correct. Symantec would not be pleased. Perhaps "individuals" at McAfee have some options vesting in the near future and an acquisition rumor could help bump things up a bit.