Poh Lice
Well maybe the police you know are like that but to say they are "fed up" with "the attitude of people" kind of implies they are in a seriously wrong job.
The police are there to serve the public. This is something they often seem to forget. Staff at McDonalds have to smile and put a brave face on, even when being abused by toerags who think its funny to mock those on minimum wage. Why should police get to arrest you because you dont like being shouted at by them?
Would you think it was acceptable for your MP to be fed up with the attitude of the people he was representing and mistreat them?
There is indeed a large chunk of society with no respect for others, no thoughts for anyone but themsevels and far too much anger about the world as well as a false sense of entitlement.
Sadly this chunk wears a uniform. (*)
(*) once it was a smart blue uniform they could be proud of, but now they dress like Serbian paramilitaries with black combat fatigues, assault boots, baseball caps and utility belts. Wonder what effect that has on their mindsets....