MS-"consultants" talking, obviously
"Instead of creating a Linux network with a bespoke application and spending money on hours of training to use the platform"
They use 10* times more money to training for avoiding the faults in MS-systems. Not very bright from any point of view. Platform (at UI-level) is so easy that a monkey could use it, no difference in there.
"Second, there is the support issue. And today, whether you like it or not, consultants and technicians who know Windows are a dime a dozen"
Bullshit. There are consultants who _claim to know_ Windows a dime in a dozen, called MSCE, and they charge a arm and a leg from you for this so-called knowledge.
Obviously you haven't actually needed these people, ever. Learning a guide by heart isn't actually knowledge.
On the other hand, unix-people tend to know what they are doing. You see, it's not the amount that counts but capabilities. Also you need one (full-time) maintainer/support for 20 unix-machines and one for every 5 windows-machines. Even if you pay unix-guys double pay, you are still on the winning side, by a large margin.
There's a slight difference between professional and consultant. First knows how to do things, second one knows how to tell you how things should be done.
MS systems tend to lure consultants like light lures moths in the night. They smell easy money.