Welcome back Simon
Managed to get back from your holidays despite the volcanic ash clouds...
They say the secret to a good relationship is to be able to forgive and forget - and so I'm working hard on the forgiving bit with the PFY. He, for his part, is working on the forgetting - which I'm told is a perfectly normal by-product of ECT - even though a lot of private hospitals frown on the use of it unless it's …
Glad to Have you back Mr.Simons, and way to show the counters of beans how good they had it during Steven's Reign...
*scrathes the 11 off the receptionist's notes and replaces it with 21*
Now if you'll excuse me, i'll just grab my coat, it's the one with the key to shed 4 in the pocket...
Beancounters won't let you have your own supply cupboard for cattle-prod batteries... outsource the electric shock treatment.
Great theory.
Just waiting for the hydrogen fuel-cell powered cattle prod now (environmentally friendly, you know)
I liked the "well-oiled supermodels" too :)
I'm struggling to work out whether the PFY was the cause of Simon's disappearance, or whether he did it on his own. I mean, if the PFY had actually attempted to dispatch the BOFH, how come Simon managed to claim the accident compensation (after all, you cannot make a claim for yourself if you are 'dead'), especially if you keep having your life support machine broken.
I feel that this story could have been much more (although maybe it is, and I am just commenting too early)
And why the requirement to stitch the PFY up with a potential fraud if you intend to let him back to work? It would make him more likely to try to get a 'promotion', especially if Simon is using that information for some form of blackmail.
Anyway, hoping that there is more details of this story to come.
Quite simple, really.
If the PFY is classed as "mentally disturbed" (by the late and tragic accident suffered by his immediate supervisor, natrually), then he has a cop-out for the fraud charges.
Some time in the hospital until he can be realigned to the right of the world (by Simon's standards... hehehe), and he can then return to his job as the money was recovered (most of it) and HR can simply class this all as work-related disability (thanks to that additional CCTV footage, of course). Simon pockets the disability payments, and the PFY can hardly begrudge him that as both are back where they should be.
A masterful plan by the master himself.
Just what would we do with these therapy sessions, Simon?
I suppose some WAG will chirp in now about how that says as much about an alien lifestyle as about anything or everything else, and of course it would be always good practice to not disagree and to encourage further dissertation on the matter ....... aka in Winners' Enclosures, Doing Automatic Remote Eponymous Delving.
is kill the BOFH with some dodgy tinsel, I mean electrocute him, slice n dice him and then burn him, then maybe just maybe he'll stay dead...
The PFY will erm "forget" anything about what happened while the BOFH was away but he'll be more wary and the money will somehow "turn up" or a note dropped anonymous off to HR..
Hmm the beancounters had best look out....
Oh, this has made my quarter!
The Bastard is Back in Black. (At least, I presume he wears black. How could he not? It's the only color strong enough to contain his awesomeness.)
I, for one, welcome the glorious return of the Bastard; another thousand years may he reign!