thought this was a new conservative policy....
Those of you who simply haven't had enough Avatar will be pleased to learn that James Cameron has revealed he's planning a sequel in which he'll be "focusing on the ocean on Pandora". Speaking to the LA Times, the helmsman described this new environment as "equally rich and diverse and crazy and imaginative" as Avatar's …
Saw Avatar...
....Went "wooo" for a bit 'cos the 3D and effects were pretty good...
... Stopped going "wooo" when I realised that it was no "Aliens" and that the script was clunkier than an extremely clunky thing...
... Forgot about it...
Kick Ass on the other hand - 2D, $30 million to make (apparently) - and it was pure brilliance.
Anyone have any idea what the next film will be based on?
I was lucky enough to see Avatar about 12 years ago when Disney called it Pocahontas. It looks much better without the oversized smurfs and unconvincing 3D too. I'd like to see the next film a few years ago too so I can brag to my friends.
I read that wrong. I saw 'Cameron Promises' and instantly thought 'election', my mind was not easily to be derailed from this and suddenly I had a mental picture of the Conservative front bench as 9 foot tall Smurfs In Space (tm)...
I know politics has become increasingly obsessed with celebrity and triviality, but parties offering film sequels really would be scraping the bottom of the barrel. I suppose 'Mandelson in Darth Vader Sequel Pledge' isn't beyond the realms of possibility though.
Obviously the SNP could give us 'Braveheart II' - He's back and this time it's personal.
The DUP: 'Oranges ARE The Only Fruit'
I wonder what kind of films Lord Adonis would produce...
**Gets message, and gets coat**
...Isn't that the talkie everyone was getting their knickers in a twist about recently? I seem to recall some sort of save-the-planet undercurrent to it all, which I must say at a quick glance doesn't seem to have had much effect on the earth-bleeding, third world-mugging, celebutard-obsessed habits of anyone, least of all the aforementioned pantyhose-losers.
Oh well, perhaps a sequel and a few more gigafucktons of blue plastic merchandise will do the trick.
6 more minutes ? So now we have Star Wars-type rewrites that are implemented in less than a year after the original screening ?
Good Lord, at least Lucas was polite enough to wait until most fans had worn out their VHS tapes of the originals before creating his "definitive vision" release.
Anyway, are we going to get a shark moment in Avatar 2, what with all the ocean stuff ? I mean, Pandora it may be, but there's not much chance that water pressure will be taken into account any better than it was in Phantom Menace, now is there ?
I was expecting a story about how the Conservatives had created a virtual reality David Cameron and I was getting ready to say "May I be the first to welcome our new stupid faced untrustworthy virtual overlord!".
James Cameron may be promising more Avatar thingy, I'm promising not to watch it and to not give a monkeys as with the first one!
I went to see it on the day of release and came away feeling all tingly at just how incredibly gorgeous it was.
I went back about three weeks later to watch it at Birminghams i-max thing and thought whilst visually impressive, it had a few holes in it.
By the stroke of luck I then managed to score a date with a fit girl at work who wanted to watch it so earlier this year I went back for a third time and released just how incredibly shit this movie is. I mean, there's shit, but then there's real shit. I found myself wanting to throttle every charecter, even the really fit smurf...
Still, I'll be the first to admit it, I'll go watch the sequel. And no doubt come away feeling dirty.
A father and son Navi get seperated and the father spends the rest of the film searching for his lost son, facing many perils and challenges. Along the way the father meets another, rather ditsy, female Navi, who has a very short term memory. Of course father finds son in the end and all three live hapily ever after. Yes yes, I know, coat
More people travelling to cinemas to be sold more plastic glasses to watch rather poor plot, dialogue and cinematography along with all the media circus involved in promoting a sequel definitely will help save the planet !!!
Get the bigger picture, not the shiny glossy magazine telling you to see the (assuming this will be like the first) drivel, and you might actually make a difference to the world instead of being told that by are while ripping through the resources it has just for your entertainment.
I liked it.
there, I said it.
it was light escapist fluff, with cool spaceships and big explosions and bows & arrows and it was in FREAKING 3D! What more do you want?
sure, it wasn't Trois Couleurs, but it didn't need to be. Thank goodness it wasn't 2001 since thousands of people would have died of boredom or eaten their own arms off.
I'm looking forward to more, and if it's in the ocean then I'm sure we'll get some dolphins in there, and everyone will say Cameron ripped off David Brin.
Yes, mines the blue one with the book of Vogon poetry in the pocket...
Oh, frettled gruntbuggly,
thy micturations are to me...
As a glasses-wearer I find 3D specs awkward and uncomfortable
and headache-forming.
But I followed the hype and saw Avatar in 2D.
Yes it was totally shallow trite plagiarism.
But what I noticed a lot was the bits where it was blatantly obvious
that 3D viewers were intended to go "Ooh, aah...isn't it beautiful".
(Overlong views of fantasy forests, close-up in-your-face shots of
flying, etc.)
I expect the new one will be the same.
I won't be conned twice.
.. in how James Cameron can say "not only is it good business, but it’s good for the environment". A film being created by large super computers using loads of power, with lots of non-environmentally friendly products (or at least there not environmentally friendly to dispose of)...
Yes, i can see how thats good for the environment... it makes lots of money and James can buy another Prius´- there's the environmentally friendly angle...
It seems that I'm about the only person who actually enjoyed Avatar. Sure, the plot wasn't original, and on a couple of occasions the 3D was a bit over the top, but it was still fun. OK, so my brain cells weren't challenged, but it was still fun.
I'll definitely watch the sequels. I won't be expecting anything hugely original or challenging, but I know it'll be a bit of escapist fun.
Besides, what's not to like about an 8ft tall blue Sigourney Weaver?
I was going to pick up the DVD a bit after release, but if they're already talking about a new extended version then I'll probably not bother, not falling for that one again (looking at you George Lucas).
Aliens it wasn't but who cares, I got my moneys worth and enjoyed it. I don't go to the cinema to watch intellectual movies with a good plot and cleaver twists, I can watch movies like Memento or the Machinist at home for less money where I don't need the impact of a big screen.
I go to the cinema to watch moves that are breath taking on the big screen and only require a good enough plot to stop me getting bored (Transformers 2 FAIL). It will remain to be seen if the sequel is just a rehash of something else but as long as it keeps me entertained for a few hours then I couldn't care less.
To those of you who have nothing better to do than slag it off go do something more interesting with your time. If you don't like it that's your business but there is already enough negativity in the world without your input.
This post has been deleted by its author
It's like half of you have been taking tips from the bbc have-your-say page, you're all just oozing with cynicism and bitterness, then oozing some more =)
Yes the plot has been done to death, yes Cameron is doing a Lucas, yes Nick Clegg is going to be our next PM, but all that aside it was still a good film if you take it at face value!
If you don't like, don't watch! =P
PS Upvotes for this post = jaded (cue crude attempt at reverse psychology)
I've stuck the DVD on my lovefilm list so that will turn up....oooh about 10 minutes before the sequel is released :)
No point in waiting for 3D as deviated eye sockets = fuzzy images and a headache roughly similar to sticking an icepick in your left ear
As to more of the same, meh!
Another vote for true Lies II or even an Aliens sequel which didnt suck big time...
... and no more smart kids!
...that actually enjoyed themselves seeing Avatar.
Yes, yes it was a badly scipted, greener than thou, enviro film but I liked the 3d stuff and the pretty colours.
I still might give the second one a miss and wait for the 'in space' one though as I thought the arrival at the planet were the best bits for 3D effect-ery suffering from none of the annoying blur quite a bit of the rest of it did.