one liner
"I expect you to die Mr Bond!"
The producers of Daniel Craig's third outing as James Bond have suspended the production "indefinitely" due to "continuing uncertainty surrounding the future of MGM and the failure to close a sale of the studio". According to the BBC, Michael Wilson and Barbara Broccoli of Eon Productions said they didn't know when work on …
....and now Mr. Bond, have you got 50p for the meter so I can power up my death laser?
Or, given the gratuitous product placement in Bond films
"Thanks to Ocean Finance Mr. Bond, I rearranged all my debts into one convenient low monthly payment. It even left me wth a little bit left over to buy this fleet of nuclear-powered satellites to support my plan for world domination. And unlike that lot Carol Vorderman advertises, Ocean Finance didn't ripe me off for thousands as a fucking arrangement fee."
It'll be those pesky pirates that've done this to them, nothing whatsoever to do with a global downturn, a series of over budget productions or paying 'stars' and execs tens of millions every time they fart.
Shame it's hit the Bond films though, they'd just started getting very good, Bond almost the way I'd imagined him from reading Fleming's books.
...This is our newest device - it's a venture capitalist; you press the red button here, twist the head so and it simultaneously deploys a smokescreen and a parachute made of billions of dollar bills, which automatically combusts after use; completely untraceable - DARPA have been working on something similar for years, but we think we've got the jump on them this time..."
BH to the Montana complex, because my Icelandic crater hideout with mega-laser just got smoked...
Is that the one where Bond has to take on an evil cartel of banking "executives" who are trying to get rid themselves by destroying the international finance market?
If it was then presumably it got dropped because folks could mistake it for a documentary...
Never mind SPECTRE assassins et al, ole Jimmy B got laid low by a crack (or should that be "crap"?) team of accountants - who'd have thought it?
"Daniel Craig said: "I have every confidence in Barbara and Michael's decision and look forward to production resuming as quickly as possible."" ....... spoken like a popular make believe actor and every bit as deep?
M to 007 ..... Report back to Base for New Real Holywood AIMission
Connery was an excellent bond. The films are still OK 40 years on.
Rodger Moore was a bit ropey. Some would say it went downhill from there.
Most people hated Timothy Dalton (I thought he was pretty good).
Pierce Brosnan was in the franchise for what seemed like 10 minutes.
Things have been rolling steadily downhill since the late 80s. Too many tired cliches and special effects, just for the sake of effects.
The original stories were all written before the cold-war ended. The result being that the films had to warp/modify/create their own. All attempts at which have been pretty rotten. There have been Bond villains that I've actually laughed out loud at. (Scaramanga was NOT one of them btw!)
Connery certainly is the better actor, but I feel Moore was the better Bond.
Can´t remember Dalton.
Brosnan had three tries, didn´t he? Didn´t like him, tho.
And Craig.
Appaling, to say the least. Whats that scratched, unshaven ... thug... doing in a Bond movie? Trotting around with his gun in his hand?
Appaling, to say the least.
Do a low budget 007 film instead. Staring Jácób Blonde of the Swedish secrete service - fill it with loads of "action" of a more porny nature - sell loads of dvds and merchandise (which is only available to buy in this country from licensed premises) that should help clear some of the debt and refresh 007's image at the same time.
>> It's astonishing that a large mature player in a large mature industry can be *this* far in the hole.
What, like the banks? Or the airlines? Or General Motors, Ford, etc?
MGM has been in deep shit for decades. It owes a few billion (give or take) and is largely owned by venture capitalists and private equity funds. There are no cash reserves. That's why they can't/won't finance the new Bond film. The back catalogue was sold to Ted Turner ~20 years ago.
PS the story about Bond film financing is probably a stunt by the producers to find other investors and/or negotiate better terms with MGM. ISTR there was a similar story a few years ago and rumours that Moore?Dalton?Brosnan? (who gives a shit?) would be the last ever Bond.
You mean like the James Bond Jr cartoon they tried doing years ago? Do the words "crash and burn" mean anything to you?
I generally didn't mind Brosnan, World is Not Enough worked okay for me, but Die Another Day was just a steaming pile. One too many for Brosnan combined with a giant frickin' laser satellite? Daniel Craig is just meh to me. Never got on with the older ones especially the Connery ones, see aforementioned giant frickin' laser syndrome.
And this time will out Jason Bourne as a corrupt CIA agent and kick his ass.
Seriously I'd rather watch a film from the Bond franchise than I would any other film.
The Bourne franchise ran out of steam after three films, Bond is still going after 22.
I'm surprised Sony Pictures hasn't taken it on by now as it must be a goldmine,