Michael Dell is unavailable for comment, presumably.
The Apple juggernaut continues to pick up speed. Cupertino today announced its financial results for its second fiscal quarter of 2010, which ended March 27. During that quarter, revenues were $13.5bn, up from $9.1bn during the same period last year, a 49 per cent jump. Quarterly net profit also soared from $1.6bn in last year …
Apple is becoming rather good at producing new products that actually sell and make money while Microsoft relies on Office and Windows while producing average new products that don't sell well and are eventually dropped.
Heard a good joke about Microsoft's new 'kin phone (in reaction to the iPhone prototype left in a bar), Bill Gates left a Kin phone in a bar as well, it's still there :)
apple is only good for the printing industry and are useless.
the ipod will be a flop, the battery cannot be replace. what were they thinking?
OS X is a joke OS copied entirely from microsoft and has no real apps to run on.
the iPhone will fail and fail badly.
the iPhone has virtual keyboard, so awkward and without future.
Macbook air without an ethernet port and optical drive is just stupid.
those who buy macs are stupid fanbois who don't think.
the ipad is a stupid tool that no one will buy except fanbois.
isn't it entertaining to read posts from "know it all wannabes"? keep them coming please cause some on here like to be amused.
Weak, weak troll. 1/10.
"apple is only good for the printing industry and are useless."
That sentence contradicts itself.
"the ipod will be a flop..."
Did you write this in 2000? iPods command 70% of the market.
"OS X is a joke OS copied entirely from microsoft..."
A joke OS built from FreeBSD is better than a "real" OS built from shite.
"the iPhone will fail and fail badly."
Why does the iPhone command over 50% of mobile ad dollars and Internet traffic?
"the iPhone has virtual keyboard, so awkward and without future."
And yet all the other mobile phone makers try to emulate it, even when they have physical keyboards.
"Macbook air without an ethernet port and optical drive is just stupid."
Did you store this diatribe on your 5.25" floppy disk drive?
"those who buy macs are stupid fanbois who don't think."
Or System Administrators for a major university (as I am) who like being able to run Mac, Linux, and PC applications side by side to keep everything working smoothly.
"the ipad is a stupid tool that no one will buy except fanbois."
Your myopia is astounding. Pretty sad that a 12-year-old who uses the word "fanbois" and cannot use proper English has such eye problems at such a young age.
You have to admit that love or hate Apple and it's products, it is producing stuff people want to buy and are willing to pay for.
Good business.
Personally I think the stock is over priced and we'll have some sort of adjustment at some point soon.... But then again I'm no expert....
Way to go Apple, now can we drop the prices a touch....
The thing is, if you look at any computer maker's reportings, they say relatively the same thing. "Sales up XX% over same quarter last year." Intel and AMD are both shipping double-digits over last year, etc. Of course, last year was part of the the Great Recession... If we follow the chain, "Sales up XX% over last year, which was down X% from the previous year, which was down XX% from the previous year..." things must have just evened out a bit then?
analogies are great, Apple, the Marmite of IT. For those who forsee a "correction" in Apple stock/shares, I think Mr Job's $40Bn in the bank, may also correct the correction. I also think that $40Bn in the bank, may also provide a substantial safety net for any future short comings. Also forsee that the $40Bn may grow exponentially in the future. As Orange used to say " The future is bright, the future is Orange".
Also the title of a book " Orange is not the only fruit". Particularly apt for all Apple fanbois.
Anyway, good luck to the Jobsian cultist brainwashed, and indeed to those who hold stock/shares in Apple. Liver and onions anyone.