Printing over teh internets!?!
"""Google Chrome OS to route print jobs around planet"""
News? I worked somewhere with no border firewalling on printer ports, user took laptop to another continent, I got a helpdesk email asking why their printer said it was printing, but no paper was coming out of the printer they had plugged in. They had been using the default printer, which was of the networked persuasion, and which had a public IP. So they had a stack of pages sitting in their office when they returned, and they had, in fact, routed a print job around the planet.
If a user too clueless to check which printer they're using can do it, I'm sure glad Google has figured it out.
I personally port forward with SSH when I occasionally feel the need to print from afar. Not sure why Google couldn't be bothered to use any of the existing network printer sharing services with their devices...