@Ammaross Danan
No. matey, my English is just fine, I DO mean every and not any, in exactly the same way as I would hopefully guess that by now, you would know your OWN mind, instead pf trying to second guess mine.
Obviously then, there is no need for me to explain taskkill to you. I also think that you misunderstand the CMD prompt for what it is, yes you are right, I could use GUI (task manager) to perform the action, actually a beautiful thing for the uninitiated, but , as you point out obviously , knowing every single PID by heart is only a trivial matter, even in Linux, so, WHAT actually is the point you are making?
For you and me, it is easy to forget that the GUI system is for pricks without the common sense or inclination to actually use a computer properly. This is why Linux take up is low, your average 9-5 er just wants to system on and go, the beauty of Windows and to a part, Apple as well. And to be honest with you, why do I want to spend more time than neccesary installing a program or whatever when I can let the computer do it for me. Call me lazy or whatever, it's more important for me to be happy, you too can also be happy in your own fashion, not everyone needs to be a geek to be happy, enjoy it and stop whinging.