Too easy
No "stable" address????
So where did he take his equine lovers?
A 66-year-old man today pleaded guilty in Leicester Crown Court to charges of "buggery of a donkey between February 2 and February 5, 1999, and buggery of a horse between March 15 and 18, 2004", the Independent reports. Joseph Squires, formerly of Overpark Avenue, Leicester, also coughed to two charges of damaging property, " …
I'm not 100% sure, but I always understood that most statute of limitations impose a time limit from when the crime could have reasonably been discovered. In a contract dispute, for example, both parties have 6-years to bring an action which they would have known about as soon as the contract was breached. In the event of bestiality, the discovery could only have occurred when he confessed to it and any time limit would have started at the point of confession.
of a story my dad once told me of a police friend of his who moved to Norfolk and the first case he had to take to court was "Pig buggery." Coming from London where these things aren't very common he was a bit nervous of what to expect. The prosecution lawyer told him not to worry as half the people in court wouldn't know what pig buggery was and the other half wouldn't know what the problem was!
'...also coughed to two charges of damaging property, "relating to the two animals on the same dates".' Ouch is all I can say to that! :oS
Will be insteresting to see what kind of a punishment he gets verses the guy who plead guity over the 6 second extreme porn clip, which if rumors are correct was a beastiality clip. So punsihment of doing the act verses watching the act. To me, it is obvious which one should get the biggest punishment. Over to you justice system to be logical.....
by making such ASSinine jokes about such an abhorrent ASSault!
but then the law is an ASS...
though i would have thought the defendent would have been a MP, as they are renowned for their ASStute lack of taste and decency.
it was nice to see the Judge ASSessing the the situation and giving the defendant a STABLE abode to cool his heels. Im sure he will find the other residents giving every ASSistance to help him settle in comfortably.
Statute of Limitation is a US thing I think. In the UK there's no time limit AFAIK.
This reminds me of the case where this guy was shagging a goat in a field near a railway line, and a train came along & stopped right opposite him. "Mummy, what's that man doing?"
He was quoted as saying "I don't know what my mates are going to say" like anyone would admit to knowing him after that.
I remember the whole train and the sheep shagger story well.
Not for the obvious reasons, but because my boss at the time had the misfortune to share the same first, middle and surname of the individual in question.
The suns headline 'xxxxxx. Xxxxxxx sheep shagger' found itself on the message board rather quickly.
The obvious defence is to claim the accused couldn't tell the difference between a donkey and an inhabitant of Leicester: an easy mistake to make. After all, even the local football team puts 11 donkeys on the pitch every week. The judge would have to agree and dismiss all charges. Case closed m'lud.
They are just looking into this now 10 years later?
Was the horse or donkey hurt in any way?
Were they even offended?
Neigh I say. This is just a bunch of political horseplay. A needle in a haystack of much more important things. The courts should move on to greener pastures.
Too bad it didn't happen on Boston in the good ol' US of A. In Boston, it's legal to marry anyone to any or anything - they cannot discriminate. Marry your horse - fine. Marry your car - fine. Marry 2 guys - it's more disgusting than sex with a horse, but - fine. Marry your pet rock for all they care.
My coat is NOT the one with the sugar cubes, rope, KY, and rubbers in it.
reminds me of that other report some time ago - remember it? the guy was caught shagging a ripe pumpkin in the usa? the report said that the police arrived after a complaint of a disturbance in a garden plot, and the Police said the guy was so engrossed in stuffing the pumpkin that he didnt notice them approaching - the officer said:
"Sir, are you aware you are having sex with a pumpkin"
and quick as a flash the guy looked up and retorted:
"Is it past midnight already!?"
ha ha ha classic!