Anyone for my old...
IBM 386SX box? Might have a co-processor knocking about...
Supercomputer maker Cray has managed to get the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colorado, to take delivery of a Cray XT5m minisuper, getting its foot back in the door of a facility that helped put Cray on the map. In 1976 NCAR took delivery of the very first Cray-1A vector super designed by Seymour …
What does weather prediction have to do with global warming?
Nothing that I can tell.
Here goes anyway:
This crazy <INSERT LOCAL WEATHER ANOMALY THAT ISN'T REALLY ANOMALOUS> is definitive proof of Anthropogenic Global Warming.
And the reverse:
AGW is a complete crock as evidenced by this crazy <INSERT LOCAL WEATHER ANOMALY THAT ISN'T REALLY ANOMALOUS>.