Occupies the same space as AOL
Being around for as long as I have, it occurs to me that locked platforms like iPhone and iPad most certainly have a place. Just as much as America OnLine has or had a place in some folks' technological lives, so do these locked platforms.
Apple should not attract our ire for having a platform which has so much potential but is intentionally crippled. For one, they can be jail-broken and done with what one wishes. But those who truly deserve our ire are the other manufacturers who will not or do not produce equally compelling devices for the Rest of Us(tm).
But then, perhaps the blame should fall on ourselves for ignoring previously open and available platforms. In terms of openness, Windows-based tablet PCs would run whatever Windows application you wanted, even if you wanted to run Linux instead; most phones will run whatever Java application you desire to install; Palm devices had a plethora of applications available. In terms of an app store, many tried, between Handango, GetJar, and other sources, the world truly was our open oyster.
But it took Apple to make it ubiquitous, pretty, useful, and to bring it all together. And, frankly, it all started with the iPod and iTunes. I have never been a fan of Apple and, other than a couple of classic Macs, do not own anything Apple-branded, and I do so for the simple fact that I do not desire to be locked into a cookie-cutter environment, even if what I want to do would fit into said environment.
Although every time my Java phone or Palm device crashes because of a memory leak, some weird heap corruption, or errant application, I have to admit I admire the prospect.
That said, Apple has presented a bundle, a full and complete package. This is not a-la carte, it is all or nothing. You can buy the iWhatever and the full associated ecosystem, or you can not. Or you can get it, break it, and deal with whatever the consequences may be -- no whining about "I got locked out of x because I modded my y device! BOO HOO!"
Really, do not get pissy with Apple for having something no one else has, be pissy with those who do not have it. At least support it when it does exist.
Paris, oh yeah, she's got it.