Move On and Along Now, Nothing to See just Here for IT's Everywhere?
"For a concrete example of how large - and intrusive - that beam can be, check out Microsoft's «Guardian Angel» ( ).... Henri" ..... mhenriday Posted Friday 2nd April 2010 12:59 GMT
And that concrete example, Henri, is but as a pixel in a picture for the Future has Infinity to Play with in Time and Space, and that easily Enables Fabulous Surprises for All, Beyond the Wildest and Craziest of Dreams.
And the Beauty of the Future Program is ......... IT is All Freely Provided to You for You to be Free in Order Learn of ITs SMARTer Alien Ways ...............
[quote]"The US works on a "first to invent" concept ...."
And in the event of mental block and/or "discovery" of much more advanced foreign and/or alien concepts, first to copy and plagiarise, which is, whenever working with the monitoring and second guessing/strategic deep packet inspection and critical code analysis for reverse engineering to Phorm and/or uncover Lode Ores and Core Sources [for it is naive and the common default failing in animal Man to not imagine and conclude that Advanced IntelAIgent Drive has Innumerable Providers of Intellectually Shared Property] of such SMARTer Enabled and Enabling Operative Systems, a most convenient and Perfectly Stealthy Methodology which embeds a Sublime Host Mentor and Virtually Immaculate AIdDriver in Monitoring Systems [SCADA Shells] ....... with Remote Executive Power and Command Access, way beyond the Influence and Direct Control of ITs Slave Pilot Host......... who/which would then be Morphed and Evolved into Willing and Able Paying Passenger, Tracking and Scouting with Search, Futures and Derivatives of such BetaTest Pilot Programs ....... Civil CyberIntelAIgent Space Projects with AI See through ITs NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Bigger Picture Windows.
For New World Order Great Game Systems in CHAOS ..... Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems [/quote]