Jaysus ...
Issat t'best ye ken do?
I might have to write a new RFC next year ... Kids these days. No clue.
Apple's iPad launch could be thrown off course by a last minute objection to the device's name by a small Irish American civil rights group. Boston-based Féach ar na Féilire claims it registered the name 11 years ago for a now-defunct online advice service for Irish Gaelic speaking immigrants in the US. Pádraig O'Súil, …
It appears that the name iPad has been used several times before, so it would be interesting to see who actually used it first. However it seems that this is business as usual for Apple, they have never been respecters of trademarks. They do, however, expect everybody else to respect theirs.
"American Irish speaking community, in both America and Ireland"
Isnt that just saying things like "oh to be sure to be sure" and talking about "The little people" rather than Gaelic? I do wish these yanks would drop that "I'm Oirish" thing. It just makes them, and us, look stupid.
Is there even a large Gaelic speeking community (Other that those who have learnt it later in life to show how Oirish they are)?
Let me be the first to say that this tool in no way represents the Irish nation, most of whom couldn't give a toss about the Irish language, having had it rammed down our throats for the duration of our school years for no discernible benefit.
And Mac is short for Macintosh you pillock, which isn't Irish for anything. I really, really hope you were being deliberately obtuse there, but I doubt it.
"...and had never localised its products for Irish and other Gaelic-speaking markets"
What's so special about Gaelic? Apple don't even localise their stuff properly for the English speaking UK market!! Try finding a '#' key on a "UK" Mac keyboard - there isn't one - you have to guess where it is. And some of the other keys are in the wrong places too - by "wrong", I mean compared to what 99% of Brits are used to.
As for "He admitted that Apple's lack of a response could've been down to the group's insistence on writing to Cupertino in Irish" - Hilarious!! No shit?
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OS X has "Irish" and "Irish Extended" on the Input Sources menu. So Apple's hardly ignoring people who have a need to type Irish Gaelic -- in fact, they're providing for two different types of keyboard (which presumably relate to variant orthographies, one being more simplified to make typing easier).
What I suppose these people mean is that Apple doesn't distribute its software with Irish Gaelic language packs, so that the menus read in that language. Well, guess what, there must be several hundred languages that's true for. (Rather rather several thousand -- and innumerable dialects.)
iTunes comes with a few more language packs that most Apple software and even that only has seventeen (for some 130 MB). Look in:
and you'll find the .lproj directories that contain them. (That is, you will unless you removed languages you don't speak with a 3rd-party tool like Monolingual.)
How many languages do these people think that are in world? Apple isn't trying to deny the members of this organisation "civil rights"; Apple's just providing language packs when it believes there's a commercial case for it.
If a language is widely enough used -- and particularly by people who'd have problems understanding menu items in English -- then it would make sense for Apple to add a language pack for the language in question, because it would result in more sales. This is doubtless why Japanese, for example, is there: Macs are widely used in Japan. But Apple's not going to employ huge numbers of translators and make its downloads hundreds and hundreds of megabytes bigger than they need to be (because of all the extra language packs) where no real demand exists.
What these people should do, if they really want interfaces in Irish Gaelic in Mac programs, is offer their services as translators free to people writing open-source Mac programs. Adium, for example, comes with quite a few packs in it, including, I think, even Catalan. That's because people who've wanted that have offered their services.
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If this was real they'd be saying "You couldn't make it up."
I think an "intosh" means "yer feckin raincoat", an indispensable hereditary garment in all Celtic lands. It has been determined with great care that "feckin" is a word in its own right distinct from others with similar sounds, although not what, if anything, it means. Perhaps "Please give your attention to what I am saying".
Such a load of crap. Seriously, do they not speak English in Boston. This guy seriously needs to get an education and learn to speak Americanese like the rest of America or shut the hell up.
This Irish language thing is not funny anymore. The amount of tax money spent translating all manor of stuff to Irish language is crazy. Things like government literature and road signs etc. I heard recently in Northern Ireland they are teaching Irish, a dead language to civil servants during working hours. And its funded by the government. There is no-one on this earth who speaks Irish who cannot also speak English.
Its astounding no one is putting a stop to it.
If you want to talk in Irish then move to a country that speaks it. ( wherever the hell that is)
Looks like Englissh is a dead language as well, did you mean "translating all manner of stuff"? Here, I'll explain it to you.
Main Entry: man·or
Pronunciation: \'ma-nər\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English maner, from Old French manoir, from manoir to sojourn, dwell, from Latin manēre — more at mansion
Date: 14th century
1 a : the house or hall of an estate : mansion b : a landed estate
2 a : a unit of English rural territorial organization; especially : such a unit in the Middle Ages consisting of an estate under a lord enjoying a variety of rights over land and tenants including the right to hold court b : a tract of land in North America occupied by tenants who pay a fixed rent in money or kind to the proprietor
Main Entry: man·ner
Pronunciation: \'ma-nər\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English manere, from Anglo-French, from Vulgar Latin *manuaria, from Latin, feminine of manuarius of the hand, from manus hand — more at manual
Date: 12th century
1 a : kind, sort <what manner of man is he> b : kinds, sorts <all manner of problems>
2 a (1) : a characteristic or customary mode of acting : custom (2) : a mode of procedure or way of acting : fashion (3) : method of artistic execution or mode of presentation : style b plural : social conduct or rules of conduct as shown in the prevalent customs <Victorian manners> c : characteristic or distinctive bearing, air, or deportment <his poised gracious manner> d plural (1) : habitual conduct or deportment : behavior <mind your manners> (2) : good manners e : a distinguished or stylish air
There; fixed it for you.
Sadly, it appears that many Reg readers are too busy concentrating on their work to cast an eye at the calendar - or do they need to see flying penguins to be reminded of the date? And to some of the less courteous among them, I would like to issue a cordial invitation to bestow an osculatory salutation upon my Hibernian fundament.
David24 shoudl remember that perhaps there are people who live in Ireland who do speak Gaelic and not English. Not only that the Gaelic language is just not cute and postcard fodder but is a actually an important part of one's history and culture.
Following on from your argument we ought to stop speaking Proper English and we all use American English because no-one in the world who speaks English can't understand the American version.
As a Welsh learner living in a Welsh speaking community I have learned to understand why Welsh is important. It's those looking in who have no idea why it is. The same would apply over in Ireland. And to counter your future argument; I know of families on the Lleyn who can't speak English - not won't.
When I was just a little lad I used to go to school
I’d sit down there in the seat, feeling like a fool
The teacher taught us everything, everything we know
She had a great big lump of a stick that was bent into a bow
She’d go “Aon focal, da focal, two focal eile,
And I not knowing no focal at all
She’d go “Aon focal, da focal, two focal eile
And I not knowing no focal at all
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