I'll never understand...
... the derision and outright hatred some have for Apple.
It's as if they expect the world to conform to some elitist freetard utopia, where everything is free, everything can be taken apart & meddled with and making money is regarded as something sinister and evil.
It's a bizarre and rather sad mentality and is surely based upon envy - not envy that they don't have the devise, but envy at success - anyone who succeeds and makes profit and anyone who assists in that goal, by buying into it, is obviously a bad person.
How sad.
I'm on the record as stating that I don't understand why we need a device such as the iPad, but I'm always willing to change my mind about something and I won't deride technology unless it's blatantly flawed.
Clearly, the iPad isn't flawed, but it isn't for everyone - most notably, it's not for the freetard penguin obsessed clueless script-kiddies out there. But, more positively, it probably isn't yet the device for the hardcore geek - but at least that geek will understand it is a positive step forward in computing.
If you limit yourself to one operating system, one school of thought, one style of music, your going to live a very sad and unfulfilled life - akin to the person who lives in one house their entire life and goes to the same caravan park every summer holiday until they die.
To sum up, if you deride this device without any inspection, any thought or any educated response, your not a geek, your a Luddite.