That kind of food resembles what, around here in Brazil, we call "Greek Barbeque". I guess the same health violations and liability about the places and conditions where it is served apply.
If you can eat a chunk of those and not drop dead of septicaemia (other name Google translator suggested was blood poisoning, sue me) in 12 hours, you can eat just about anything. ANYTHING.
I had to try very hard to ignore all the pigeons flapping around the places that sold it here. (We all know that pigeons are winged rats when it comes to diseases, right? Right.)
The sweat of the guy cutting it is smallest of your concerns. The thick cover of fat is the second smallest. Your primary thought should be "How long can I survive without food?" instead of "Will it kill me in 12 or 24 hours of excrutiating bowel agony?" when considering eating this.
Be sure to check the loo after eating it, your lower intestines along with your liver might be floating there.
The thing has "Jolly Rogers" written all over it, even before being put on display.