Really? I mean, obviously they use some file transfer protocol, but why would you use FTP? Firewall problems ahoy!
Google has finally slotted peer-to-peer file transfers into its iGoogle and Orkut talk widgets. Mountain View said it planned to - eventually - bring the long-awaited feature to Gmail too. The file transfer addition means that users chatting in iGoogle and Orkut will no longer have to switch to email to send the file as an …
Well here's an article that takes two methods of transferring files, ftp and over IM, and conflates them into the same thing. Sure there's some technical imprecision, but there's a snappy title and a way of slotting it into the context of other articles - and that's what seems to matter here.
Some sort of IT reeducation bootcamp is in order for this poor confused author.
FTP, the File Transfer Protocol as specified in RFC959 is used to publish articles to Blogger by some small percentage of users, is ancient, firewall unfriendly and is hard to maintain.
it has nothing to do with file recently deployed transfer feature of the talk widget.
So, as I said - off to the camp, Kelly.