How many?!
What do you mean, "four dozen"?!!!!!
Apple has released an update to Mac OS 10.6, aka Snow Leopard, that aims to fix issues with QuickTime X, OpenGL, Windows compatibility, printer and USB-device problems and more. The update, version 10.6.3, is now available through Software Update, or can be downloaded here. A full listing of the 48 updates and bug-fixes in 10 …
Mac OS updates usually contain bug fixes and compatability improvements as well as security improvements and Java script updates to keep that particular version compliant with the net.
The big ones e.g. 10.3.0 (panther), 10.4.0 (tiger), 10.5.0 (leopard) and 10.6.0 (snow leopard) are paid for as major new versions of the OS at £30-80 a time. Any minor OS update inbetween is free and only changes the last number in the system identity: 10.6.0 to 10.6.1 is free, as is 10.6.1 to 10.6.2 and so on till 10.7.0 is eventually released. It's always remarked on when Apple, one of the greedier Tech companies, does something for nothing. It's been doing this particular free thing for the last 22 years or so.
Microsoft behave just the same way with versions of Windows, you pay for the major updates, 95 to 98, 98 to ME, ME to XP, XP to Vista, Vista to 7, but the Service Packs are free inbetween. The only difference being that 7 seems to finally be worth actually paying for. Pretty remarkable in itself.
Anything that does not majorly affect the running of the OS and generally only enhances security by preventing malware is referred to as a Security Patch and not a Service Pack. Yeah they are all free too
Windows has a hell of alot of Security Patches due to the amount of malware it attracts, being the world's most popular OS for idiots.... I mean computer users.
Why Paris? Cos she doesn't know an update from a security patch either i guess.
@Ritchie: Your comment re: Edwards completely misses his point, although it is always nice to read a basic explanation of release iteration policies.
Edwards is asking:
Windows Free Updates are referred to as "Security Patches" regardless of whether "security" issues are being addressed.
Apple Free Updates are referred to as "Free Updates" regardless of whether "security" issues are being addressed.
Edwards wonders: Why don't we call Microsoft patch releases "Free Updates", too?
The answer is that Microsoft calls their patches "Security Patches" because Windows users are concerned about security, seeing as it is a critical issue with Windows systems that has been traditionally damaging to the user simply by them purchasing and using the products. Calling the patches "Security Patches" provides some comfort for the Windows user, as they imagine such an update could make their system more secure once installed.
Apple calls their patches "Free Updates" because Apple users are concerned about money, seeing as it is a critical issue with Apple systems that has been traditionally damaging to the user simply by them purchasing and using the products. Calling the patches "Free Updates" provides some comfort for the Apple user, as they imagine such an update could really be without cost to them ... as in "free beer" ... which is a CRAZY idea in the Apple world, and so is extremely compelling to the Apple user, who can't wait to take advantage of what must surely be an aberrant moment in time when Apple lost its ever-lovin' marbles and gave something away for free.
@James Butler: I suspect only the original poster can confirm exactly what he meant, but your conception is as equally valid as mine.
I would say that Mac users are not so concerned about the price of their tech. If they were, they would baulk at the premium cost of Apple's hardware and by a PC.
Likewise if Windows users were truly concerned by security they would buy a Mac, especially as they can run Windows on it as well with an extra option for a less used and less targetted platform along side it.
It isn't Apple that refers to the updates as "Free" that is the media's handle, but I agree with your point of semantics on the Securty Patches, in a paranoid world M$ know how to jerk folks chains.
The concept of Apple giving away stuff started with OS 7 in the early 80's when they gave out free upgrade tokens in the OS box and continued through out the 80's and 90's with OS updates released for free to MacFormat and other magazines for inclusion on their cover discs. This was replaced by online downloads in the latter half of the 90's with the advent of broadband.
So, to date the "free beer" has flowed from Cupertino for a very long time indeed.
Paris again? She likes a drink on the house as much as the next man/woman/insert mammal of choice here.
Apologies if you've tried this already, but having just upgraded to Snow Leopard from Leopard I was somewhat taken aback to find all of the Security prefs greyed out. Turns out that they are locked by default in SL: you have to click the padlock at bottom left and enter your password to change them (click the padlock again after you've finished to lock them). Actually, it's a good idea: means any security changes need a password. Just confusing if you're not expecting it: it took me a few secs to notice the locked padlock icon.