...you could not print the email?
A university CIO says that sysadmins determined to do their bit for the environment - and save cash on printer consumables - should switch fonts wherever possible to Century Gothic. Diane Blohowiak, Director of Computing and Information Technology at the University of Wisconsin at Green Bay, says she has switched the college's …
"...you could not print the email?"
Bloody right.
I mean seriously "says she has switched the college's email system from Arial to Gothic" was the last sentence I was expecting to see in that story. I mean FFS, if printing your email is using to much ink, don;t change the font, slap the idiots who feel the need to print every email. Make it policy that your default is "don't print email", with a side helping of "if we catch you printing email that is in any way profligate or unnecessary (i.e. most of them) it's a disciplinary for you."
Ahh! The red mist is descending ...
[corporate flashback]
I hate people who print emails. Hate them. They are evil. I understand that some things need to become matters of record and must be filed, but this does not give you an excuse to turn up out of the fucking blue and monopolise the floor's only bastard printer for SIX FUCKING HOURS. YOU UTTER UTTER BASTARDS!
Ah, better.
With a quick test in Word, I see the carefully chosen string 'ewrtwerfasdf' as taking up about 1 's' more space in Century Gothic than Arial (by which I mean, I can add an 's' to the end of it in Arial and it's the same length as it was in CG).
I'm pretty sure that the extra paper usage far outweighs any cost or environmental saving in the reduced quantity of ink...
Good point, although the larger x-height of the lower case characters means that the point size can be dropped without affecting legibility. This should more than make up for increased line lengths.
Arial has been described as Helvetica without the style. Ouch. (Hence Bill, as MS helped to popularise it)
OK, I have switched font on my email and printed my first page...now what about the A4 sheet of paper that only has 2 lines of print on it?
Perhaps we should revert to rolls of paper as previously found in fax machines too...currently hacking at my printer to make that work
Anon as I live in a "Greeny" area and don't want to get lynched
If I copyfit a lorem ipsum passage of Century Gothic (which looks like it's a knock off of Avant Garde Gothic) at 10 points it takes up about 10% more space than the same thing in 10pt Arial (11 and a bit vs. 10 and a bit lines). At a guess I'd say that the 10% extra paper usage would substantially outweigh any savings in the ink coverage.
I thought that, but it does specifically say that they've done it for email and most of such print on one page (or more usually the top 10 or fewer lines of one page) in any font at around the 10/12 point size. So this argument's moot, bar for the trivial case of the odd very log one that happens to be exactly the right length to throw a second page when printed in CG that would not have been thrown in Arial.
I'm more interested in how they (or whoever) found this. Presumably someone, somewhere printed off the same several thousand pages of text in umpteen different fonts, carefully measuring the ink use for each run. I guess that to save the planet you have to kill it a bit first....
I'm also a shade ticked off that the winner didn't turn out to be Comic Sans. The indignant flamefest around here at the serendipitous confluence of two pet hates prevelant amongst the assembled El Reg commentards (ecofiddling and Comic Sans) would have been a joy to behold.
"Presumably someone, somewhere printed off the same several thousand pages of text in umpteen different fonts, carefully measuring the ink use for each run."
Hopefully they used a virtual printer driver to produce bitmaps simulating printouts, because not only would it be greener that way, it would also be much quicker to measure with a little program counting dots....
Well, it's (as far as I can recall) in opentype format on the Font Folio CD (I'm not sitting near it now, so I can't verify).
I prefer the Schoolbook variant (I prefer antiqua-fonts over grotesque), and both have the ability to be readable at a full two points smaller size than their "windowsified" variants (arial and times), even of you use a very tight pair-kerning.
Inkjet inks are mostly water, a little electrolyte and some dye or pigment, thus making it some of the most lucrative clooured water on the planet,
Added to which the printer makers have gone down the route of high-tech, expensive self-destructing cartridges in a wilful and wasteful attempt to garner profit over hardware sales.
I think legislation to make cartridges non-disposable and refillable, coupled with bulk availability of vendors ink would save a hell of a lot more cash and resources than any amount of tinkering with fonts.
Chances of it happening - close to zero.
Vive la corpocracie.
If you find Times easier to read than Arial, you're in a minority of the population. Same goes if you find 10-12pt comfortable to read.
With Arial, the letters are spaced further apart so if the area of your retina that's clear enough to read with is quite small, you don't get as many letters/words in each picture and your brain has to do more work to process the images. On the other hand, if the light-detecting cells are large, you get a lower resolution and need more space between the letters to distinguish them easily.
The problem with Century Gothic is that there's not enough difference between the letters and they're wide so you get fewer words for each picture your eyes take.
The “spacing of the letters”, i.e. the overall tracking of the typeface, has a fairly minor effect on the readability of said face. Using a proper typographically-sensitive application like a page layout package, you can adjust the tracking over a wide range and until the glyphs are actually colliding or becoming so separated that they don't read as a unified whole, the difference in readability is very slight. Besides, you get a greater variation in overall tracking when you use full-justified text vs. left-justified/rag-right alignment than you would switching between two similar faces such as Arial vs. Helvetica. Long story short*, the effect of character spacing on readability is small compared to the design of the typefaces themselves.
And that's where, as others have pointed out, Arial earns a monumental fail. Its glyphs are really bush-league compared to the craftsmanship of Helvetica. Its ubiquity is a rematch of VHS-vs.-Beta; the crappier one won despite a four-decade lead by the better typeface. Who wants to put MS on trial for crimes against typography?
Now, in terms of saving ink, approaches like EcoFont are a silly idea. With the resolution of modern inkjet and laser printers, simply having a printer driver that substitutes a 90% screen on type will reduce ink usage for any typeface without a loss of readability (except in really tiny type). My 11-year-old HP LaserJet 6MP has been able to do this from the get-go... and I can also get ten reams printed from a single cartridge most of the time. Try THAT on an inkjet: you'll have about nine blank reams at the end, or you'll have paid five times as much in consumables.
So, if your goal is economy, buy a laser printer. Use the eco-printing mode when the purpose is documentation rather than perfect appearance. And don't print unless you have to.
* I know, too late now.
Im sure I read somewhere that san serif fonts like Arial, Verdana, Helvetica are more suited for on screen reading and serif fonts such as Times and Palatino were better for print.
Can any knowledgeable typographical expert confirm or debunk this? I would be interested to know if this is true or not.
I am definitely not a typographical expert, but on a technical writing course I once took, we were told variable spaced fonts are easier to read than fixed, and serif fonts are easier to read than san-serif. I seem to remember that the difference is about 10% faster reading speed between each.
(Broadsheet) Newspapers know this, which is why they use san-serif headlines (eye catching, but short) and serif for body text (easy to read for long passages) - which is where Times Roman came from. (Roman because it uses the latin letter forms, in contrast to gothic, etc.) They never use fixed space fonts.
Worst of all for reading ease is ALL CAPS FIXED SPACING (anyone else remember Telex/Teletype?) at about 50% reading speed of Times Roman mixed case.
I'm presently using Deja Vu Sans Bold for window titles and Deja Vu Serif Condensed for my desktop font, mainly because I decided that I'd had enough of the similarity between ‘I’ and ‘l’. Works well with plain anti-aliasing; none of this horrible highly noticeable colour-fringing nonsense.
I'm no expert either but I've heard the same. The point, apparently is that the serifs are good if you have the resolution to display them properly, but bad if you don't. With things like ClearType (hold the flames, it works for some people) and higher resolution screens, the rule is probably less true than it was twenty years ago. In another twenty years' time we'll probably all be using a seriffed font on screen for normal text.
Seems to me that the 'ecofont' product is a solution to a problem that doesn't exist.
If you really must print so much, why not switch to a a lower DPI print, or set inkjets to draft mode.
Everything prints quicker thereby using less electricity(possibly), and less consumable material.
but a quick google got this http://www.blogmonkey.co.uk/2009/12/which-font-uses-least-ink.html
with times NR as the base, arial uses more ink , courier new is a lot less ( of the common fonts).
Quite interesting analysis as well.. As it says, m$ or apple could have a nice 'greenwash' by working out a nice looking 'eco' font and spacing as default for their Office packages..
Oh and obviously 'different printer font to save ink' is a patent..
Serif fonts are an excellent choice for long passages of text, provided they are rendered in sufficient resolution to render the details properly. The "curly shit" provides greater definition and significantly improves readability. There's a reason why the first commercial sans-serif font was called Grotesque.
That said, Times New Roman is as bad a knockoff of real Times Roman as Arial is of Helvetica. Use quality typefaces, you'll get better results.
And on the off chance that you actually decide to seek some education (unlikely I know), then read the first half of Eric Gill's brilliant "Essay on Typography". He explains the logic and history of typeface design from the point of view of a master.
Don't bother with the latter half of the book — he gets carried away, and actually states that you cannot consider yourself a typographer until you have not only designed your own type by cutting metal movable-type characters, but you also have to actually grind your own pigments. So, yah, while Gill unquestionably understands type, he's also a bit of a nut case. :-)
...had to read through several paragraphs of sans-serif type, you just know it sux.
The reason the brain likes a serif is that the optic nerve pre processes the retinal pixel map into wavelets representing "roundness," "pointiness," "triangleness," and other higher order constructs. Serifs introduce more information at this level.
This is especially important when peering through 211 filters.
See http://www.uwgb.edu/compserv/ehelp/office2007/fontchanges.htm for the suggestion to change the font size in Word and Excel. That's close to Arial 12 pt.
Taking an identical sample of text at *screen resolution*, the average colour of Arial 12 was 23.6/255 black, Century Gothic 11 was 22/255 black. So CG11 was 93.2% as dark as Arial12. Readability seemed comparable. If anyone wants to repeat as higher magnification they might get a closer approximation to the print ink savings.
Email used to just be plain text but someone somewhere seems to have decided that rather than a few K of data for a really long message, it's much more efficient to use several hundreds of K for a really short message and add things like different fonts and colours etc... even if you don't use them.
That's progress for you.
The best solution would certainly be to print only what you really need as hardcopy (usually not even half of what is printed in the average office is even read - based on unscientific observations), but the following sentence amazed me:
"She says that printer ink costs her department $10,000 per gallon, though obviously it is supplied in smaller units."
Is she really saying that a University is pissing expensive ink on paper when there are cheaper (toner based) printing options? Time for a budget cut me thinks.
Just remove the bloody printer.
Everywhere I've worked in the last 5 years has a recycling bin right next to the printers because it's guaranteed that 90% of the output is never collected. In one case, we once took away the out tray so stuff went straight in. No one noticed, despite the fact it was emptied every other day!
We tried it a while ago, and found that people just pick up their laptop and take a screen with them now. Fair enough, that wasn't a valid approach 5 years ago, but it is now. We've even seen people use a blackberry, a hand mirror and a projector...
Using inkjets for printing is the first major mistake.
Just thinking of the heaps of packaging and used cartridges from all that mess... AAARGH!
Set up a few B/W lasers around the office, and ONE colour laser.
Also, get a swipe-card system for them, so that after the (l)user has 'printed' something, he has to swipe his card next to the printer in order to actually get the output.
With a setup like that, you can cut it down to TWO print queues,(BW and Colour) and the user get his output from whichever printer he happens to be closest to when he needs it.
The major problem with networked printers is the heap of printouts that are never collected by the sender. Either because he 'didn't need it after all', or because the daft bugger couldn't remember which printer he sent it to. (And usually sent it to another printer when he couldn't find it)
Another bonus with Lasers is that, unlike an inkjet, leaving it unused for a few weeks doesn't mean you have to discard clogged printheads or dryed out ink carts.
Also, a decent laser is built to handle a lot more printouts than an inkjet, typically 25 - 50.000 pages/month for a 'workgroup' printer. Many inkjets are completely worn out after 10.000 pages.
1 - I just took my old HP Officejet K550 out of storage. It's been there for over a year. Cleaned twice, printed two sheets - it now works. No clog, despite just simply disconnecting it to take it out of service.
2 - The early wear may be true, but there is a LOT less mechanics in an inkjet. I also happen to be the person who had top brass Canon execs visit me when they discovered there was a reason I was going through twice as much ink as they though was possible: I was printing stock barcode labels with a BJ130 and tractorfed labels. The most entertaining statement was "It will only work for a couple of months" - it was at that point I told them the printer was already two years old :-).
In those days, specialist barcode printers costed a ruddy fortune, so I just coded a Psion Organiser II to drive the Canon, happily dumping reams of the stuff to label all incoming boxes. The inkjet just worked, whereas the previous victim, a Star SR10 dot matrix wasn't just noisy and slow, it also failed rather spectacularly when the head deservedly overheated - a few pins stayed out, and on carriage return this ripped the ink ribbon cartridge to shreds and took most of the rubber of the roll. It was work a try - wouldn't have costed much if we had to buy a new one every half year, instead it did it for 2 years at which point we finally got our own laser printers (oh yes, skunkwerks with budget aren't new either).
Ah, those were the days (etc)..
Century Gothic is not one of the supported fonts in OpenOffice 3 (at least not on my Mac), so phooey on the author. Arial pleases my old eyes.
But there is a bigger issue in this story. When Liberal Arts Colleges hire from their own graduate pool they tend to dumb down their own IT departments, creating droves of yes-people with pixel-counting methodologies and overly simplistic theories.
I supported a corporate tech-writing group "way back then" when we got a "save money or die" edict from on high. They came up with numerous new requirements - like font changes and thinner paper - ignoring bottom-up suggestions such as fewer inch-thick printouts in the first place.. Sometimes the bottom line really is the bottom line, but in this case the changes actually increased ink/paper/energy use. Technology changes, but people stay more or less the same.
If this IT department owns the computers or the printers they can substitute any font they like. Either they install the font and configure the email / browser software to use it by default, or they tell the printer to substitute it when printing. If it saves them 30% on ink then it sounds like a good idea.
I havent used OpenOffice on the Mac but I expect it does what it does on every other platform and supports whatever fonts you have installed on the PC. It just trawls the fonts folder and picks up whatever TrueType / OpenType fonts it finds there.
Email is, after all, a plain text medium. It's only dear MS's confusion between the RFCs for email and for newsgroups that led to native html email.
I deliberately use an antiquated email client that can be told "do not attempt to interpret html" because I don't want it fetching images, scripts and style sheets and bringing onto my machine any associated malware.
Dear Diane Blowmehard or whatever her name is would do better to forbid the htmlization of email. And to disable direct printing from email clients. Silly woman.
Arial (pseudoHelvetica) is an economical font that's easy to read. I can't see any other font, Century included, producing similar savings. The real savings come from small fonts, not a lot of printing and avoid pictures, especially those with large areas of block color.
I do all my draft work in Arial 9 or 10 point close spaced....you'd be amazed how your rather sparse document pads out when you start using 'normal' formatting.
Make it impossible for the email clients to print directly to a printer, and force them to go via PDF.
Then, everyone gets an automatic 'print preview' in which to spot that they actually printed the wrong email, too big, and only wanted Page 2 anyway.
- I found Outlook 2003 extremely annoying in that it had no print preview and couldn't be made to print a single page of a long email containing loads of lines of rubbish, like massive pointless 'signatures'.
Inkjet printers flush their liquid money into gutters at the edges of the page. It's a solution for stagnant pigment clogging the nozzles, with a pleasant side effect for the printer manufacturer . Thin font or fat font hardly matters. The difference ends up in a large sponge at the bottom of the printer.
Epic fail for a university IT department not figuring out a paperless workflow at least 10 years ago.
Here's one way to stem the red ink on the balance sheet.
The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay has switched its stationery font from Century Gothic to Arial, saying it will save thousands in ink costs.
The new font uses about 30 percent less ink.
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/weird_but_true/weird_but_true_uyyQVKHaFd9oIm4VQgZliM#ixzz0jKnIKPnT
People around here (and I mean like the local schools and public information office and all) are rather fond of Comic Sans MS (or its various clones). It's a nice headline font, and it is useful for web pages to make something stand out from the normal serif/sans-serif combination. But, um... for everything? It is certainly overused, and just looking at it, it looks like a typestyle that will be heavy on the ink side.
Printing emails? Die! Die! Die! Seriously, if you are printing so many emails you need to cost-calculate the price per gallon of ink, your best bet is to simply remove the printer. Or paste each print job through a server that docks people $0.10 per page from their next pay packet. I bet there would be a month of chaos as people argue their way through $100 deductions, and then - as if by magic - a ream of paper would probably last a fair old while.
Printer consumables? If ever there was something the ever-watchful government ought to regulate, it's printer refills. Why? Simple. I have three different printers here that I have acrued. My old Epson Color inkjet. A bit cartoony but it is fairly forgiving in what you throw at it. Useless for decent looking printouts as it is too old and dithers visibly, but good for dumping pages of code to read on break. Not used much now because it has some weird pressure-gravity deal that makes refilling carts a pain (not a bad as the HP DJ500 series, but still pretty bad). Then there's the Lexmark Z23. Lovely printer. Bargain basement crap that actually had some performance behind it. Brilliantly stupid "is this a new print head" system so you could pull out the print head, refill it with pretty much ANYTHING, pop it back it, tell it the print head was new... Yonks ago I bought a couple of print cart kits and I refilled them up until physical cartridge failure (head-in-the-cart). But, problem. Buying a colour and black set now actually cost me more than... the little Brother printer I have. Not terribly exciting, but it does pretty nice photos. It's a scanner/printer/copier combo. I'm not sure the scanner part actually talks to the PC, but since I scan most stuff directly to an SD card and crop it later... for me that usually works out faster. The ink can have a dendency to leave little drips from time to time, but NOTE that it is running on cloned ink. Why? Because it is nice that the printer has four separate colour carts (which are ink ONLY, no print head), but they are small and pricey. To rekit the thing would cost about the same as buying a NEW printer with a colour LCD and WiFi, which I might consider doing this winter.
Anyway - the point of the previous paragraph is... if it is cheaper to chuck the printer and get a new one, then there's something very badly wrong with the pricing of ink cartidges.
Here comes the green people. Soylent green! People!!!
Seriously, I think there's one thing that makes the difference, it's installing a pdf tool and telling users how to avoid stupid things like printing a certificate to scan and then mail the jpeg file (yes, it really happens!)
Actually, teaching users how to print that only page that matters from a 325-page report is something that may save some trees and buy some time to mankind.
Ways to go green:
1. Use the "Draft" font. Prints fast, uses the least ink.
No "Draft" font?
2. Get a dot matrix printer. When you think about it, in the end, the ribbon of the dot matrix printer does loop around and can be looped around quite a few times before it has to be replaced. Yes it's noisy, but noise is the lesser of evils, correct? Plus, it makes (l)users think twice before they click the "print" button.
Windows won't allow you to use the "Draft" font?
3. Switch back to MS-DOS and Wordstar (or, use Linux and emacs, vi, nano, pico or your other favorite text editor). That not only fixes the problem, but also give the poor, old P90s a new lease of life. If on MS-DOS, give it UW Pine for e-mail and lynx for web browsing.
A great deal of research has been done on typographic legibility. The most legible fonts -- those which can be read, error free, at the smallest font size -- have a stroke width that is 10 ~ 20% of the character height.
Legibility and saving ink are two sides of the same coin. You can save ink by using thinner strokes, but then you will need to increase the font size to be able to read it. Thus wasting ink, and paper, and energy.
Not surprisingly, the fonts with the best legibility scores are those originally designed for official sign writing. An illegible road sign can kill, but the cost of the "ink" is very high indeed. Frutiger is a good example of such a high-legibility font.