I thought ...
Jobs was evil. Thanks for the perspective, El Reg.
"cleavage-enhancing technology from a Canadian bra company."
A week and a day before Apple's "magical and revolutionary" iPad is scheduled to be released, Apple has finally acquired the rights to its name. As The Reg reported, shortly after Steve Jobs unveiled the iPad to the world on January 27, Fujitsu piped up to let Jobs know that he was using someone else's property. "It's our …
Would I let Apple get away with this iTsmytrademark iOwneverythingstartingwiththeletteri business or just make things really just difficult for them...
Personally, and I don't know what Fujitsu's books look like saying this, if I were fujitsu, I would tell Apple to stick their iFingers up their iCollective iArses..., call your big iPhone sans phone something else, I know we're messing with your launch, but screw you, you corporate iBastards,
Quite honestly, I hope Apple really gave Fujitsu a lot of cash for this. I mean, A LOT of cash.
Honestly, Apple, sometimes I don't know whom I dislike more, you guys or M$.
Yes, but as Apple largely created the market buzz for iWhatever following the launches of the iMac (1998) and iPod (2001), Fujitsu appear to have deliberately named their product to cash in on that; this isn't the same as Cisco's iPhone, which was named in 1996 by a company they acquired later.
If you started selling a McPizza I think you could realistically expect to be talking to the "Mc" people at some point in the future.
Fujitsu isn't a small company being picked on by Big Bad Apple, they're a very large company in their own right (worth $32.6 billion as opposed to Apple's $31.6 billion according to 2009 figures), I doubt they went into this with their eye closed.
> We can only guess the extent of back-room cajoling, bargaining, arm-twisting, and carrot-and-sticking
I doubt any of this went on. It will have been a conversation along the lines of
We own that, what you going to give us?
I don't think you understand, We own that, you can't sell something called an iPad unless you buy it from us. What you going to give us?
OK, so you've worked out the rules of this little game. Now you just need to work out which ball park we're playing it in.
Now you really aren't trying hard enough are you.
A little better, but you've got to understand things from our point of view. You are the richest computer company with the highest profit margin since someone worked out how to sell a service pack as a whole new experience... So, what you going to give us?
... and so on.
Now just bend over this isn't going to hurt "me" much.