Re: Welcome to subjectivity
It's very rude to deliberately mis-quote somebody when it fits your needs, I said "most Atheists (who call themselves such) wouldn't say that gods don't exist", note I said "most" indicating that (in my personal experience) "most" Atheists hold this view, in fact I have never met an Atheist that said that they "know that gods do not exist".
Atheists do not believe in any gods, probably because in all liklyhood no gods exist.
An agnostic however is the worst kind of fence-sitter, one who gives up their right to an opinion.
>>I doubt you would find Richard Dawkins being so moderate.
Dawkins defined belief on a 1 to 7 scale, 1 being "I know for a fact gods exist" and 7 being "I know for a fact gods do not exist", 4 is "perfect agnosticism" where the existence of gods is 50/50, Dawkins defined himself as 6.9, so I guess you would find Dawkins being so moderate.
Oh and just to add more fail to your plate, aspects of the "Scientific Method" can be tracked back to Babylonian times and beyond, thousands of years whereas "Agnostic" is a word made up by Thomas Huxley around 1889.
My guess is that peope who call themselves agnostics are Atheists but just scared to call themselves Atheists just in case they are wrong and burn in eternal hellfire, but here's a an idea for you, if gods do exists they know you're just trying to cheat and you'll burn anyway, stop being a coward and have the courage of your convictions, it's much better not to live your life in fear.
All this is an aside, the point is one of language, if the dictionary defintion of an Atheist is one who knows there are no gods then they would be a very small group, and certainly not representitive of most people who call themselves an Atheist.