Was that
Les Battersby from Coronation St?
The Shetland Islands are proving fertile ground for Street View tomfoolery, and hot on the heels of yesterday's Incredible Hulk revelation we have this chap offering Google's Orwellian black Opel the traditional local welcome: Bare chested Shetlander gives Street View the two-finger treatment Splendid. Of course, every time …
IIRC the myth (if myth it be) was to do with the French chopping off those two fingers from any captured English longbowmen to prevent their being able to ever draw a bow again. Effectively the "salute" is a taunt of "I've still got mine, Frenchy!". Longbows being the thing that made the difference at Agincourt, being much more efficient and rapid-fire than the French crossbows. Of course if it's all a myth, then the whole thing is tripe. Pity, it's quite a good story.
Oh, down here in Deal is quite normal for such things. I didn't think it something that I should send in:
Google blurs faces on street view, supposedly to prevent identification. But anyone who knows a person - say a boss, or a jealous spouse - would recognise them from their clothing, stance and other physical characteristics even if their face was obscured. It is patently absurd to claim that streetview preserves individual privacy. I wonder why this argument hasn't been made to the ICO (or any other watchdog) in the many arguments over the legality of SV?
Somewhat of a silly title for the thing. Any smaller and the bin men only a few yards down the road could have confused it with the council bins!
And sometimes the police (in the Netherlands in this case) don't like google taking pictures everywhere :-)