I'll 2nd/3rd That.
It's always amusing when someone writes "outdated" as if we should need to update software, or the whole machine, just to do the same tasks as it did in the first place.
I have to blame software bloat. People come along and so quickly point out that all software has flaws, but the truth is no, all software doesn't have flaws. The flawed software is that which developers kept piling on features without proper levels of testing, sloppy code pumped out as quickly as possible.
If a feature isn't certainly secure, I don't want the feature! We need a grass roots movement to get back to the fundamentals of security instead of the push it out patch it later mentality... particularly when it comes to basic functionality like surfing or email.
Just how many years are we supposed to have to wait before we can have 100% assurance that merely clicking an internet link won't potentially cause a system breech?
My rant isn't against MS specifically but I do not see the constant upgrade cycle as the solution because they don't just fix the flaws they introduce new ones.