But I *liked* VT52s
and besides, there's always WeirdStuff Warehouse, they'll take anything...
Things are quiet at Mission Control. No, quiet would be an understatement. The room seems unnaturally large and cavernous, and there's an echo that just shouldn't be there... I could swear I heard the words "sleep no more" coming from the PC speaker, but I'm sure I'm imagining it. My contemplations are interrupted by two …
I've got a pair that are about 8 years old, and do 2304x1440 @ 80hz. And much better color and contrast than I've seen on pretty much any other display.
And since I got them used from people that had already replaced them with LCDs, the combined price was much less than a single mid-range LCD.
Although their weight does disqualify most desk options...
VT52s are ANCIENT. DEC switched to selling VT100s back in the late 70's, so any VT52s would be 30+ years old. The video components alone would probably be dangerous to power up. I'm sure that all of the capacitors would have leaked by now.
Mind you, they were easy to code for compared to the other things that were out there then. I actually wrote a full VT52 emulator in BBC basic that could keep up with 9600 baud. I then recoded it in 6502 assembler in a day. Could not be arsed to write the VT100 emulator that I really needed.
Bearing in mind the dodgy photo's that Wikipedia has, if the PFY had one in good nick, he could probably find a buyer, if only to take some good pictures to immortalize this important terminal.
This years camp finished four weeks ago. Does it take that long for the post to get a card from NZ?
My thoughts are that Simon could not get the leave, or get the Boss to allow him the time to attend, so he faked his own death.
My guess is that when they get round to interviewing for his replacement, there will strangely be only one applicant, who will turn out to be Simon's 'long lost twin brother', separated at birth and sent to Australia (or possibly New Zealand).
Alternatively, Sleep No More may be referring to a Greg Iles story dealing with Transmigration of the soul. Maybe Simon is coming back in another body! Or possibly has had plastic surgery, and he will just appear to be someone else.
I can't wait!
"Sleep No More" is a quote from Macbeth :
Methought I heard a voice cry 'Sleep no more!
Macbeth does murder sleep'...
...Still it cried 'Sleep no more!' to all the house:
'Glamis hath murder'd sleep, and therefore Cawdor
Shall sleep no more; Macbeth shall sleep no more.'
Macbeth is recounting his nightmares follwing his murder of Duncan, the King of Scotland, so that he may take his place.
KiwiFoo has nothing to do with the camp you mention. Kiwi stands for New Zealander, and foo is the well-known "anything goes there" placeholder in IT. KiwiFoo therefore stands for "a random (anonymous) New-Zealander". Simon (AKA The BOFH) is from NZ (i.e. a Kiwi), which would have me worried if I was the PFY.
... caught on very quickly. He's one to watch. I wonder if Simon put him in place deliberately... and if so, what else he's doing. For instance, Simon may have decided that fiddling with electronic kit is a game for mugs, and wanted to retire to study the effects of alcohol on the mind. The head beancounter might have been put in place to ensure his pension (drawn from the CEO's personal superannuation contributions) is paid punctually.
As for the poisoned chalice, I'm sure the PFY will be able to prove (in ten minutes' time) that the fingerprints evident on the sheds and most of the boxes belong to the Head of IT's secretary, which makes it a clear cut case of an official wink-nod to avoid dumping fees.
Have at it, PFY.
Simon is not at Baa camp or anywhere in NZ, you silly you!
Foo is here as the ubiquitous "anything goes there" placeholder. Kiwi stands for New Zealander. i.e. KiwiFoo means "an anonymous New Zealander". i.e. Simon. Wherever he might now be.