Who's watching ...
This makes me think that if I'm asked to leave a job, I'm going to ask "Who's replacing me?" and insist that they follow me around for the time remaining until I've left.
First, I'll remind them of these horror stories, and how they wouldn't want to be found short-sighted should sometime go askew. Best we get on with getting the work done but in a responsible manner. I'm looking out for their interests.
Second, that'll be the best way for the replacement to know _everything_ they need to know about the job (cough!). And if he/she doesn't have a clue as to what the words in the running commentary mean, that can be mentioned. I'm looking out for their interests.
Third, if they suddenly can't produce anybody or that person can't be made available for the whole day every day, I'll suggest that I shouldn't work on any sensitive/production/mystery systems without that minder. I'll just work on my resumé and those HasPyLisBy# tutorials. I'm really just looking out for everyone's interests.
Fourth, after being followed around by my minder, how could anything go wrong? That is, how could _I_ have done anything wrong, with the minder trailing along, checking out my procedures, accessing the same systems, reading the scripts/programs, and probably having to use my userid until their privileges were realigned with their new responsibilities.
If anything did go wrong, perhaps it happened after I left? Or before, but without my knowledge? After all, I wasn't watching what the _watcher_ did, was I?
Ya gotta look out for your interests - watch me!