Yes, but...
Yeah the PS3 will outsell the Wii and 360 by 2013 but by then the Wii HD will be way ahead of any of them and the 720 will be on the horizon if not out!
Sony's PlayStation 3 will become the world's most popular gaming platform - but it'll take three more years to get there. So says Strategy Analytics analyst David Mercer, who recently blogged that, by 2013, consumers will by buying more PS3s than Xbox 360s and Wiis. By the end of 2010, Mercer forecasts, Nintendo will have …
I'd be very suprised if new hardware was being touted in 2013.
All 3 major manufacturers seem to be suggesting that the current crop will be with us for quite a few years yet, even though some of them (Wii and 360) are beginning to look a little long in the tooth.
Personally, i have all 3 systems and i have to agree wholeheartedly that the novelty is worn off the Wii, for me it went a long time ago.
The 360 to be honest gets the most play, but going forward im getting more and more irritated by it. It feels like every single feature on the 360 is an advert for them to peddle tat like avatar baseball caps or overpriced DLC crap.
I'd be very surprised if there *wasn't* new hardware out from at least one of the big three by 2013.
They may be predicting 10-year life cycles for the current generation, but that doesn't mean the next generation wont overlap by 2-3 years like with PS/PS2 and PS2/PS3. The 360 has nearly been out longer than the original XBox now and is showing it's age compared with low-end PC gaming tech. Also there's only so many potential price cuts left.
I think we might see a smaller, cost reduced 360 released with Natal, to coincide with the mid-point of it's predicted 10-year lifespan. We're also approaching the time where flash will make hard discs redundant for games consoles.
It will be interesting to see how many full (non-stream) CPU cores they have in the next generation as the 360 was pushing it at 3 cores in 2005.