I wonder....
...if these 'thugs' are secretly an organisation wishing to hasten the migration of IE6/7 users to newer browsers. Hows that for a conspiracy theory.
Online thugs are exploiting a security bug in earlier versions of Internet Explorer that allows them to remotely execute malicious code, Microsoft warned on Tuesday. The vulnerability in IE versions 6 and 7 allows remote attackers to gain the same access to the affected PC as the local user. The bug, which stems from an invalid …
either doesn't exist in IE 8 or can't be exploited in that version, providing users with yet another strong reason to upgrade to Microsoft's latest browser.» Or perhaps an alternative browser - even though that seems to have slipped Dan Goodin's mind entirely ?...
Why should Dan bother? It'd be redundant effort since Firefox zealots can be relied on to start yammering on any chance they get. For people who have a tendency to boast about their intelligence, they're certainly slow to understand that their message isn't getting through. Guess it hasn't occurred to them that the thickos using IE they're always slagging off most probably don't read The Register so they're wasting their time and everyone's network traffic? Opera's done more to make people aware of Firefox than you guys ever will ...