Hmmm... DRM, Piracy, a pointless diatribe and everything.
(disclaimer: comments scanned but not all fully read... and yes this slightly intoxicated post is aimed at those that do NOT share my outlook: DPG et al.)
"Piracy destroys games publishers"
No, products that are un-competitive due to price/quality/availability (a bit of a grey area with digitial downloads, but thats another huge discussion for another time) destroy companies. AS DOES pissing off your customers. Case study: Bioshock - I was really impressed, read great reviews, played a superb demo and finally, after one of life's rough patches, had some dosh to spare to show my appreciation to the hardworking creators (who would have recieved, err, precisely what percentage of my Hard Earned?) until I hit those three poisonous little letters. I really felt bad for the people who actually put a lot of hard work and creativity into that title, but I simply _will_not_ have some DRM turds smeared all over the walls of my PC, my digital home. I don't buy $BIG_LABEL music any more, due to their employment of suetard lawyers to chase children for tens of thousands of dollars.
"pirates will pirate, always"
Snake & Indian, Dog & Scorpion.... or whatever else you find. Then again, I pirate games and music, how is that evidence that I do not pay for such things? (Yes, you saw TWO present-tenses.)
"by default, it saves games "to the cloud"
Well that makes perfect sense! With so many personal computer systems nowadays being sold without the inclusion of any sort of internal non-volatile data storage device...
F.E.A.R. fucked what little trust^H^H^H^H^HFaith^H^H^H^H^HPatience I had for DRM... After 7 minutes clicking retry with a legit DVD in my branded DVD drive... Off to the crack house I go!
Also let me play my legit Quake 2 with my choice of music CD... Rammstein, usually.
Beer, because there's no "70 euro-cents liter box of wine" icon. I live in Portugal... See, I went through with leaving the UK, rather than just blabbing vainly on El Reg.