US Visa Waiver
"she said, since "the consequences will be much more serious": the flow of data will have to stop if there is a no vote. In addition, "the provision of PNR data is part of the conditions the United States have imposed in exchange for a derogation from the visa regime", she pointed out."
The US visa waiver program is partial:
"President Bush angered staunch ally Poland on Friday by excluding it from a group of newcomers to a program that allows citizens of certain countries to visit the United States without entry visas."
"At a Rose Garden ceremony, Mr. Bush announced rescinding visa requirements for six other former communist countries — Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia - as well as South Korea, effective in about a month. "
EU represents, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia too, so the visa waiver cannot be used as an excuse.