10 days is pretty lenient I agree
Mission obviously wasn't critically important, then again ye olde british forces of ww1 used to shoot and hang men suffering from shell shock as they were "cowards".
On the other hand, <sarcasm> I just love the huge amount of pro palestinian terrorist supporters there are on the interwebs </sarcasm> I'm sure you will all be elated when they march you into Wembley with all the other "infidels" and shoot or stone you all to death. Of course you will all be standing there going "we brought this on ourselves, if we had only killed ourselves sooner they wouldn't have to do this to us"
I frankly believe we need to bring back charges of sedition and treason soon, plenty of seditious and treasonous muppets out there, The writers and subscribers of the Daily Heil (making false allegations about RN personnel) and the granuiad (generally a pro terrorist newspaper) would be a good start to thin the numbers of the "enemy within" of all skin colours.
I agree with debate, but many have crossed the line into supporting regimes which would do our country harm if given the opportunity - Iran, Hamas, Syria, Tamil Militants. Of course all the media shows are palestinian kids in hospitals without mentioning that hamas were using said kids for propaganda purposes by putting them in the line of fire, against international conventions, also forgetting conveniently about the "devout muslim women" who strap bombs to themselves and try to murder israeli men women and children by blowing themselves up at railway stations, on buses, in hospitals and schools.
The current leadership of Israel are taking a hard line, but a lot of the time, I honestly don't blame them for taking said hardline. Especially when the other side consistently resorts to crimes against humanity, ignores ceasefires and encourages children to be suicide bombers.
Also many european nations still require military service, finland, estonia etc and many of said countries have lower crime rates than ours.....perhaps requiring military service here might straighten out some of todays chavvy youth??