Stoned whales
....but how are they going to light up under water?
mines the one smelling lightly of soft drugs.
The revelation that Tilikum - the killer whale which last week lived up to its species' name by killing SeaWorld trainer Dawn Brancheau - had killed before, prompted much debate as to whether the tragedy could have been avoided. In 1991, Tilikum was involved in the death of Keltie Byrne at an aquarium in Victoria, British …
American Family Association King James Bible (SeaWorld Edition)
But you can't give us chapter and verse on that one can you?
I smell baloney on that quote, and I bet "pantless" is also a secret biblical code for something else. Dan Brown would have a field day with this.
Bring in the Japanese, they would know how to solve this with a satisfying outcome for all parties, I hear whale meat is quite a delicacy, I'm not if it is sushiable, if that is the correct culinary phrase.
I would suggest the irony would come if they kill the whale and eat it then they'd be eating more transubstantiated flesh.
Hope I got that one right if not the "black helicopters of God's light" will be after me; oh well, whiskey tango etc.
It's an animal you fucking idiotic conservative religious freaks - get over it.
Aside: I started watching Stargate Atlantis (yet again) this week and loved what the Wraith Queen "Marta" in S1E2 said to Colonel Sumner - along the lines of "we don't care if our food disagrees with us" - totally off-topic, but again, WTF. (Stargate people will understand).
...meat, let's not forget the whale oil.
The last time i bought whale oil, it was $250 per ounce.
Of course that was a hella long time ago, when it was the only approved lubricant for the spring motor of a BOLEX H-16 or H-16R 16MM camera.
Since that time, the precision lubrication functions of whale oil have been taken over by the oil of a desert plant known a jojoba, which retails for £50 a liter.
At the peak of the whaling industry, whale oil was $1200 a barrel, but was replaced by petrolium pumped from the ground.
These days I stick to getting lubricated with 211.
I never cease to be amazed at the comprehensive coverage of unlikely situations therein.
I have to say though, finding that it covers what to do in the case of homicidal zombie revenant* oxen is probably the most surprising thing I've heard so far.
*I'm guessing that the stoning for the first offence is supposed to be fatal, what with the instructions not to eat the resulting flesh** and all.
**Probably a sensible warning if they are prone to coming back from the dead. I'm not sure that Gaviscon is up to coping with the level of gyppo tummy that could cause.
er... kills?
You keep an 11,000 lb predator in close confinement and train it do do tricks and feel aggrieved when it occasionally gets pissed off and reverts to type? That's the surprise for me.
It's not a source of innocent fun and education, its cruel exploitation of a dangerous animal for amusement. Until these dimwits figure that out, animals will suffer and people will die.
Regarding the 1999 case of the poor chap/stupid retard who decided to sneak a little nightswim with creatures prefixed by the word "Killer", according to the AFA "His body had been bit and the killer whale had torn off his swimming trunks after he had died."
So it's not actually a run-of-the-mill Killer Whale, it's also a sick, perverted, interspecies necrophiliac killer whale.
Hang your head in shame, Seaworld, Tilly's about to have sexual assault and "interfering with a corpse" added to her rap sheet. Man, she's going to the chair.
It happened ... I have pics posted for various folks who participated in the last 40+ years of this blood line. They are available, if you know where to look ...
It's now nearly 24 hours later, we have 8 healthy pups, and my Ninny is doing a really good job as a first time mother ... I'm a really happy camper. So is mom-dawg-Ninny, which is vastly more important than my opinion! :-)
Life goes on. Learn to not look like a wounded seal ...
...isn't killed apparently. But then, it was doing what God wanted, and Jonah survived. In a bible story, though, that doesn't guarantee your safety. God might make you (if you're a whale or another big fish) swallow his prophet, to teach the prophet a lesson, and then punish you for harming his prophet. Because God is * ****.
Easy to mock the ancient Judaic laws, but the principles are quite sound.
Basically if an animal kills someone, then in order to stop a repeat event, the animal should be destroyed. If the owner doesn't do this and it kills again, then the owner is held responsible (for the life that has been lost).
The death penalty was required for murder and when, by omission of action by said owner a (second) death occured, this was deemed to be the same (legally) as the owner committing murder.
The underlying principle is simply that human life is held to be more important than animal life.
Sounds very similar to the legal principles we operate today: - i.e. dog kills child, dog is killed, owner of dog is held culpable by law. Or corporate manslaughter. Duty of care..... Don't here any mocking here.
Except in this case, there seems to be an exception because the animal is 'wild'. It's a fair point to make as to whether such an animal should be in captivity (personally, I don't think such animals should be kept in captivity) BUT this animal has killed 3 people and whoever has responsibility for it needs to either destroy it or release it.
And, given it's track record, someone (CEO Seaworld perhaps?) needs to be held legaly accountable for what happened. If they were, you might not find them so willing to keep such a creature in the first place.
As i said, sound principles but...... mock on, until it happens again.
There can be only two practicalities with this scenario:
1) Killing the ox destroys that violent gene;
2) Killing the owner destroys the gene that allows people to be killed without remorse.
In both cases if either had ever procreated then it only makes sense that any offspring is also put to death. QED.
Of course the essence of various ancient laws often make sense in the right context. For example, "don't eat pig" makes a bit more sense once you've seen the film Snatch and have considered what kind of diet wild pigs might have. But it's the rigidity of interpretation of these ancient laws that ultimately undermines the spirit of these rules and usually sends those advocating them off on wild tangents that at best make little sense, and at worst actively harm people and society.
Generally, the "ancient civil code of Israel" (Charlton Heston possibly required for the voice-over) belongs in ancient Israel, not in modern America, because human knowledge has refined the source material that produced such a code, confirming some things as common sense that keeps everyone healthy and happy, adding other things that people just weren't aware of back then (and there are plenty of those), and debunking other stuff that amounts to superstition.
Getting all shouty about a religious text invites ridicule because it implies an unquestioningly rigid view of that text, setting it above the actual knowledge that should be defining how a society should function.
I haven't seen the movie, do they mention trichinosis? I imagine the understanding of cooking by ancient folk wasn't quite up to par with today and rare pork was more common. I also think the quoted passage was more in reference to the potential for the ox to be diseased eg. mad cow or similar. Such diseases would likely have been seen as demonic possession or other related evil and historical tribal knowledge would likely have shown that eating the diseased meat was not conducive to good health. Basically, I think there are reasons for most of what appears in the bible, it's just that they didn't have a good grasp of the reasons and attributed most things to the good word, "Word Up!"
...to Old Wive's Tales, they wouldn't have lived to be old wives. The Jews were envied by other cultures because they were healthier.
Same misfortune befell witches, who, by making soap (thats what's in the big kettle) and practing other healthy habits, avoided the common pestulances of the day.
It's impossible to ignore a pox, but beer helps you tolerate it.
how do you stone a killer whale? the velocity of the rock is going to drop drastically as it enters the water, you might get a lucky strike if it's close to the surface, but then it'll dive down and there's no way someone could throw a stone with enough speed to hit with any force
for that matter, how the hell you do stone an Ox without pissing it off and getting gorged/trampled yourself?
If two swallows are flying south in the same direction, each carrying a coconut....In order to maintain airspeed velocity...
Bottom Line: These people that think things like this never held a KILLER whale captive. And, since when did they become the great interpreters of the book....please.
kills two humans. Not entirely unexpected, considering the animal my have been stressed in such an unnatural environment. I am sure if this whale was aware of the ten commandments he would have acted differently.
I think he needs a bigger place to live, preferably the ocean if he is able to survive out there.
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To release it is to sentence it to a slow death by starvation, but primarily dehydration. It was captured young and will never be able to feed itself nor join a wild pod if released. And if it tried to find some humans to feed it, and got pissed off with them when they turned out not to have a bucket of fish handy, well, that's not going to turn out well, is it?
Having it put down, in the US, would be likely to cause a bigger outcry from the animal rights lobby than actually letting it kill someone again.
Clearly this should be enough to prompt a ban on capturing wild animals, and on making wild animals perform.
The only solution I can think of is to shut down the performances forever and turn the park area into a larger exhibit to let the current animals live out their lives.
But yes, I think Seaworld should be culpable for this death.
I think this idea is utterly brilliant, and completely foolproof, providing it is carried out by the religious entusiasts who suggested it. They should be allowed to take a bag of rocks each and then all of them should jump in the pool (without breathing apperatus - it's expensive and could get damaged) with the 'killer' killer and throw their rocks with all their might - it's just such a fantastic concept! What could go wrong?
In fact i think it's such an amazing idea, i think they should have monthly tryouts. Round up a bunch of religious. Tie a sack of rock to their wastes, and have them jump in the pool to stone the whale.
I'm sure that god (if she exists) will arrange for their succes, unless she thinks they're a bunch of ..., in which case she could have the whale smite them.
I'm sure animal lovers and the anti-religious can see the providence in this plan. Lets get it green lighted a.s.a.p.
It's not impossible to stone the Orca to death, even if it's on the bottom of the pool. All you need to do is starting throwing your stones from low earth orbit. They will then impacts with sufficient speed to cause serious damage to anything nearby.
Do note, you may need some fairly big rocks for this, but since you're throwing them in micro gravity, throwing shouldn't be a problem.
If you throw the stones when in low Earth orbit, they will just be in low Earth orbit with you.
Sure, it will gradually get lower in its orbit (well, its perigee will) as the slight atmospheric drag will slowly bring it down, like a lost tool bag, and if it does manage to make it through the atmosphere not entirely ablated it would require huge luck to land anywhere near the ficinity of said whale.
someone spends a few weeks digging thru a conservative/faith site, finds something that fits their prejudice, and tries to make big headlines from it.
In other news, there was a shooting in Oakland. And somewhere a Chinese guy scammed someone.
Won't even go into how many young men of a single religious belief are sent with explosives on their back into crowded schoolyards and markets as far away from military and police targets as they can get....
I wonder if i can submit the racist and tasteless comments from HuffPo and DKOS and get a whole bit of "look how stupid they are" responses?
amusing about the bible people who think animals are designed for their abuse.the bible was written by humans to keep other humans frightened and enslaved..there is no big daddy in the clouds with a big deep voice. Keeping whales and dolphins in teacups for profit is cruel. Tilly was taken from the wild twenty years ago and carted around to unnatural places for the amusement of idiots. FREE TILLY.... Those who tell you he can't survive ..that they are sooooo concerned that he can't survive in the wild...are full of poo or have a financial interest in continuing animal abuse. it's quite simple really..good boy Tilly..FREE THEM ALL. Did you know that the Sea world trainers who just LOOOOOVE the animals..beat tilly bloody with huge crowbars to get him to release the so-called trainer's totally , obviously dead body? Did you want to see that video? too real for you?
Bible bashers (of either kind) should kindly note whales aint kosher so perhaps the best answer is to set it free and then sue the company - IMHO they deserve it.
And wearing my theological hat - tough on the ox but it encourages the owner to keep dangerous stock under control and if you ignore complaints you just might (maximum penalty) end up dying with your victim. Would sure make drink drivers think. Sense or superstition?
the Tillikum was merely trying to re-enact the Book of Jonah!
I'd say that instead of being killed, perhaps the whale should be canonized.
More seriously, releasing a "domesticated" killer whale will only end up with the whale starving. Its best to just phase out the capture of killer whales and let the current captives age gracefully in their current environments. Dolphins are perhaps not such a big deal, because they are much smaller and you can conceivably capture an existing social group and keep them together in captivity.
It's a "Killer" whale.......duh
So essentially what is being said is that the whale should be put to death in order to appease the god-botherers imaginary friend? Personally I'd rather get rid of the god-botherers as I'm pretty sure it'd make the world a better place.
No it's not really. It's name is Tilly and it's an Orcinus orca. I could call my hamster a killer hamster but wouldn't make it so. Even if it did kill someone it wouldn't make the genus killers.
If the whales were known as killers of humans before they captured it, locked it in a small tank and forced it to perform tricks then the blame couldn't be really placed on the animal now could it?