You know...
Microsoft, as an organisation, have such a low reputation and a track record of bull ... and I think announcements like this are just so much crap and stupidity ... that this is likely the last of its kind that I can even be bothered to expend the energy to comment on.
We've had so much spin, from so many different angles, that I believe most sensible people are actually able to smell it a mile off.
Personally, instead of "news" like this actually engaging me, I just become apathetic and switch off.
After all, I don't give a flying hoot how many other people are using it or whether I wake up after an extremely drunken party cuddling a traffic cone with the Microsoft logo on it. (That party thingy was a real waste of time!) The only thing I give a flying about is whether it is a good thing for ME to use (sorry about being a bit selfish on this one) and quite frankly, I, for one, don't exactly relish a return to the days of not only having to buy a new OS every two years, but when I was actually looking forward to a new release because all the promises of the previous one weren't lived up to.
I look back on those days and think of all the time I wasted.
I don't actually CARE how good Windows 7 is, because it will be studiously replaced with Windows 8 in short order and I'll have to replace all my bleedin' packages again.
I have switched to Kubuntu, not because how good Kubuntu is (and I have to admit that although it has its problems and is quite a learning curve, I am finding it to be a smoother operator) but because of the nanying experience that Windows and its packages has become.
(hey, as it is my last comment on this subejct I might as well make it a good one!)
Licence codes, serial numbers, registrations and activation codes coming out the wahoony ... it takes me about one to two days to install Windows and get my apps working nicely on it. On Linux, I just install the OS, execute a long "apt-get install" statement, mount my home directory and I'm up and running in a little over an hour.
Microsoft just can't compete with that. Yeh, Linux was a learning curve, but it was worth it.
I don't want to buy in to a system or company that is hell bent on fixing things so that I have no choice other than to go through them (so tough titty, Apple, you lose on that score as well - with all you guys have done to the app store, I'll never buy an iPhone)
Microsofts attitude, as far as I'm concerned, means that they can all go to hell in a handbasket. I don't care how many units they've sold ... all I care about is that they do right by me, the consumer ... something they've been doing less of as the years have gone on.
You know what ... it beats me solid why none of those twits that employ DRM, registration and all the rest of that bull, dont get it through their thick skulls that the only people who actually get inconvenienced by this stuff is the PAYING CUSTOMER!!!!! The pirates sure as heck don't have to suffer this junk.
If STEAM couldn't be secured, then I'm fairly sure that nothing MS can do will hold back the pirates for long.
So, thank you, Microsoft, for producing another non-announcement that doesn't actually mean anything to anybody. Like I really give a damn about how much product you've sold.
You know ... I wanted a trial of Windows 7 ... just to see what it was like. I was outside the mass publicised trial period but I felt sure that MS would be able to generate a code that would last a few months, just so I could see what the hype was about ... but no .. they couldn't!!! I'm not going to part with good money and tie myself in to a restrictive OS based on the hype; I want to get my hands on it myself ... on MY terms.
Microsoft ... get with the times. Customer is king again, and you're attitude just doesn't cut the mustard. So tell your sales figures to the hand ... 'cause the ears don't believe it when the nose reports a suspicious smell ... (or something like that.)
You know what else ... on two occasions in my IT career, it was actually my knowledge of Novel and Linux that put my head above the other IT staff and saved my butt from the dole queue.