Manufactured entertainment..
So Google "should always give advance notice on its website and in the local or national press before it takes pictures".
However, Google should also avoid pictures "of a sensitive nature and those containing intimate details not normally observable by a passer-by"
When you cross these two directives and take into account the 'playful' nature of todays geeks and the propensity for showing everything on facebook, you get a bizarre and even surreal microcosmic view of some areas. Case in point:
Given a few minutes warning, how many of you would flash or moon the camera? Wear a ski-mask or put on swimming trunks? Paint the kids green? With a couple of hour's warning, just think what goodies people will think up for a chance at net-fame. And, by making it more entertaining to surf and find funny stuff, Google gains market share and sells more ads.
Kind of a open-source street-theater snapshot mechanism... Q.E.D. Tux...