am not letting you redesign my phallic symbol!
The American Academy of Pediatrics is determined to tackle a major threat to the wellbeing of US kiddies: killer hot dogs which present a clear and present choking hazard. According to a report (summary here) in the academy's journal Pediatrics, choking is "a leading cause of morbidity and mortality among children, especially …
"She noted: "As a mother who has fed toddlers cylindrical foods like grapes, bananas, hot dogs and carrots, I 'redesigned' them in my kitchen by cutting them with a paring knife until my children were old enough to manage on their own.""
I can understand the woman's asperity... Common sense fail by safety 'elf. Pointing out the bleedin' obvious win by sausage lady.
What's satirical and funny about using the word "less" when the word "fewer" is called for?
Unless he was trying to imply a lack of intelligence and education on the part of those children, and making a joke at his own expense by implying the same about himself. Seems extraordinarily subtle, and likely to go unnoticed by a vast majority of his audience, regardless of their level of intelligence and education.
Both sentences are of course correct, but yours manages to contain the adjective Hick's did in fact not use in the quote I was paraphrasing. Of course you would know this had you actually watched the stand up routine in question (and remembered it), but don't let that spoil your fun.
Narcissism thinly veiled as an attack on someone's grammar never gets tiring and I'm sure this post, and many others on this site, will provide you with plenty more opportunities to amuse yourself by rewriting things; not to add any meaning or insight, just to prove that you are better than the original author.
A++++, Would troll again.
Only one sentence is correct.
If you're talking discrete, countable units (and giving a specific number of attendants means that you are), you use "fewer", and if not, you use "less".
Thus, if you add fewer cups of water to something, you have added less water, but you can't have less cups or fewer water.
<quote>Also, try good old thick British style sausages that you can just cut up.</quote>
Mmmm, yeah.
Meat content in UK Sausage? Don't make me larf! I get my Cumberland sausage from Myers of Keswick (in Manhattan) and he readily admits he can't call 'em sausage in the US as legally they don't have enough meat in 'em. Delicious, though.
Wasn't the general lack of meat in bangers the plot of a "Yes Prime Minister" episode in the '80s? As I remember it, the E(E)C was going to reclassify them as "Meat By-Product High-Fat Offal Tubes". Of course, that was only make believe, but still, when Hacker read the list of ingredients it put your average hot dog to shame in the "almost edible tat" stakes.
.... or we could start using common fscking sense and teach children to eat at a normal pace instead of wolfing down their fastfood ...
Oh wait, I forgot, Common Sense is outlawed in the US at the behest the ambulance chasers, "public interest" groups and various lobby groups.
What a tardegy!
Maybe you should try just supervising your children when they are eating their dinner.
Crazy idea we English have. Have dinner as a family and promote sensible eating.
Its a crazy idea and it might just work, not all responsibility can be foisted off onto somebody else
This is a simple one to answer and good old gorgon braun has the answer. Send all babies to a government crèche until they are say 6 years old and thus able to eat food as the parents cannot be trusted (sadly in some cases, clearly cannot be trusted) to care for them and teach them to eat food properly.
Mind you on second thoughts, given the UK's record of dealing with children this might not be such a good idea...
She noted: "As a mother who has fed toddlers cylindrical foods like grapes, bananas, hot dogs and carrots, I 'redesigned' them in my kitchen by cutting them with a paring knife until my children were old enough to manage on their own."
A sensible parent?! I'm going to have to go and sit down for a bit, oh wait, I am sat down! Excuse me while I fall off my chair.
This post has been deleted by its author
I'm not a savvy inventor but i'm sure minced hot dogs will become very popular among those nanny-state-taking-away-all-hazards-and-pillow-packed morons. Life is deadly - live with that! (Or rather die, eventually)
Ah, there is light at the end of the tunnel and not the light/tunnel as in near death experience but very concrete as in Janet Riley: "...I 'redesigned' them in my kitchen by cutting them..."
Extrude them through a star shaped extruder. Make them larger so you still get the same amount of meat, but now you have breathing channels running along the length. It would also make a great place for the various sauces and additions to sit on the hot dog without out sliding off!
... running through the middle of the hotdog, so when the little darling deepthroats it they don't suffocate.
Problem solved. Alternatively don't feed your 3 year old child shitty hot dogs.
Quick ban hard things, and fire, and sharp things, and gravity, and loud things, and things you might choke on, and and and... fun....
Ok, so there are 300,000,000 people in the US. Assuming even distribution from age 0 to 60, each child has roughly a 1:10,000,000 chance of dying from this.
Compare this to the 1:10,000 chance of dying that every American, young or old, has of dying from car crashes every year of their life. That's 1000 times the chance, and for your whole life, not just the first 3 years.
Grow up people, and learn to analyse risk.
Children under 14 ARE more likely to choke to death than be killed by gunshot, but that includes ALL types of choking,
* For Children 14 and Under
Motor Vehicles 3,059
Drownings 1,024
Fires 883
Choking 213
Firearm 181 (2.7% of fatal accidents)
Falls 127
Poisonings 80
So less than 10% of choke deaths are hotdogs and this is about 0.2% of deaths?
source http://www.justfacts.com/guncontrol.asp#Accidents
(though the site seems less objective than it claims to be)
I think we should hide the matches and give them free lifejackets and swimming lessons.
Death by Sharks to kids under 14 (with or without lasers) is not listed. Snake bite more likely.
A colleague assures me on closer reading that there is no word on how many hotdogs actually kill - 77 children die of choking each year; an unnamed number die of food-related choking, of which 17% are from hot dogs. By our calculations, 6 chokings were food-related (the rest were lego), of which 1 was a hot dog.
only 77 a year? ONLY 77 a year? you would have thought with a nation half filled with imbeciles that this figure would be higher! that Dr. Evil-a-like who sits at the honcho chair in the wiener (ha!) factory must be cursing his ill luck.
i wonder what the Doctor's response to that rather sensible mother who redesigns the cylindrical foods on her own would have been. perhaps he thinks she ought to license (licence) herself and patent the method?
over here. You hear the latest "Oh think of the children" drumbeat.
And then start asking questions.
And then find out the devestatingly high number.
And compare it against the number of children in the rest of the world dying of dehydration, malnutrition and endemic disease.
And immediately want to swat the reporter and concerned others in the head with a drill hammer for being so selfishly self-involved about such an insignificant impact their cause-d'joure really has on the global arena.
Someone will probably discover that a child is more likely to be murdered by a parent than by anyone else (maybe). Although if you're not a parent then you may have expected it to be the other way around. Noisy screamy things.
I think Snopes said that an alarming number more than the choking figure already given, of older youngsters I suppose, including late teens, die in the course of erotic self-asphyxiation.
Fuck the children. People have a child fetish and it's just disgusting (why isn't this woman being prosecuted as a pedo?). To paraphrase a bit, the kid who is too stupid to masticate his hot dog before swallowing isn't supposed to make it.
As humans, we have gotten so completely wrapped up in trying to save every last one of our kind that we can hardly even fathom that there's not more we can do. We shouldn't have to worry about the .000000000001% of the world's population that die because they don't properly chew their food. If you're such an awesome fucking parent, TEACH YOUR KIDS TO CHEW, fucktard!
OK, I'm better now. Where's me coat?
Since it is possible for some parents, or some workers at places like day-care centers, to be unfamiliar with the choking hazard posed by hot dogs, it is reasonable to expect a consumer product to have robust safety characteristics.
In the case of the humble hot dog, the molds or extrusion devices used to make them could be modified to make them star-shaped. Admittedly, this creates a need for more wrapping material, but it does help.
Unfortunately, that would not work one bit. Imagine the scene:
Young tike picks up the NEW (IMPROVED?!) Star Dog! Lunchmeat Product Substitute(tm) and bites off one of the star points, not chewing as is normal.
The point of the star allows easy, streamlined entry down the throat... only to get stuck in the tyke's esophagus as the widening meat shape proves too much for the youngster's developing muscles. It lodges in tight! And because of the ragged edge at the base of the "point" (from biting), it cannot turn around or be easily slipped up and out by Heimlich.
You sir, have just created a MORE EFFICIENT choking food! Bravo!
Why don't you just redesign kids with wider throats along with a suitable liver for your first child? Or treat this as natural chlorine for the gene pool of obese children who can't remember how to chew.
What with the president of the world cancelling constellation it looks like we're stuck on this planet for a bit longer that originally anticipated... we need to thin things out people!!!
"you're branes" or your branes. I accept the mis-spelling as artistic licence, but I think yours should be revoked.
Where did you learn your english? Sorry, I forgot, you're a Yorkshire lass. Only us southerners speak english proper.
And yes, I know that last sentance is not grammatically correct.
You berk. Look at this:
See? I'm really surprised these threads don't show up there more often.
I am by no means a Yorkshire lass, I was born in London and will probably be here until I die of cynicism. I merely had the misfortune to be brought up there.
And er... I suppose I'll let you off on the misspelling of 'sentence' since there's no way you could have known I'm not actually from the north. But still, you should think on, as they say.
1, Pen lids have holes in them to stop you choking, I thought it was to save money, like the stripes on the striking surface on a match box.
2. I do not like the work "Upvote", in fact I am sure someone will point out, is it a real word? I think it should be changed.
Thank you.
In the USA according to
150 million hotdogs are consumed in the USA on the fourth of July, let alone the total over the year. Even assuming just one in ten hotdogs are eaten by kids, the consumption to choking ratio should be getting the product a design safety award.
How to solve the problems posed by children interacting with the web (and seeing porn thereby) and with hot dogs (and choking to death thereby): ban children from using the web and from eating hot dogs. Fine, jail, torture parents who allow their crotchfruit to do otherwise.
Someone needs to set up "Kiddies' Web" where all sites are guaranteed innocuous and there's no way to break through onto the real web.
I don't know what the hot dog equivalent is.
products that could possibly be consumed by children should be pre-chewed or molded into small pellets. Looking at the 127 deaths by falls # all children should wear helmets anytime they are not laying on the floor. We could probably stop the poisioning by forcing them to wear scuba gear at all time, which will also prevent the drownings. To prevent the huge escalation in child deaths due to improper scuba maintenance and use, we could assign a government worker for every 2 children to monitor their scuba gear. They could also assure proper usage of fire retardant clothing and do fire inspections daily at residences. To prevent firearm deaths we should arm the government assistants so they can gun down anyone (else) who brings a gun near the children. Then we'll keep the children at school 24/7 to prevent transportation deaths, which will cut down on the costs of the government assigned assistant.
When those children reach 15 they graduate to the real world where they will probably get themselves killed immediately since they have no experience and no fear.
...that old Monty Python sketch, part of their "Cycling Tour" episode, where the cyclist (Palin) encounters a quirky scientist (Jones) whose current project is designing "safer food"?
"Here, that tomato's just ejected itself!"
"Oh? It, works! IT WORKS! IT --" >screeeeeechSMASH!!<
According to a food handler's safety class (required), taken by your's truly many many years ago, peanut butter is the number one cause of infant/toddler death by choking.
But that was 20+ years ago. Perhaps we've devised a better method of exterminating the little rug rats by now...