Changing China in a year or two?
So thought Genghis Khan.
China changed his Mongols instead. It took them 200 years "officially". In reality it was less than 50 for the Genghis way of things to be no more and the Chinese way of things to be back again. So though many other conquerers, bearers if "new civilised tendencies" and many other lunatics over the last 4000 years.
The reality is China does not change. It changes the ones that try to change it and it returns to its ways. It is a country built on embezzlement, fraud and quietly ignoring laws towards personal (and to a lesser extent close family) benefit.
Not adding poison into milk? Not hacking into american companies? Not stealing intellectual property? Just because Mr Brin said so?
Bollocks - the Chinese will continue doing what the previous 3000 years of ancestors have been doing - laws and rules are to be quietly ignored and any complaint is to be met with denial. Anyone who followed the rules is long dead and only the ones surviving are the people who quietly went around them and their descendants. This is 3000+ years of vicious cultural selection reinforced by famine, slaughter of the innocent and the "Confucius" method of "competition between provinces".
Anyone who has delusions that the Chinese somehow will be taught to think and act differently and fit our moral standards is a deluded idiot and should answer his village calling him to have his brain checked.