RE: A one-sided condemnation to a one-sided conflict
"Red Bren" - strange how being anti-Israel is so popular with the left, especially considering that Israel has always had more socialist tendencies than any Arab country. In fact, when it was originally established, Israel had such good ties to Soviet Russia, Czecheslovakia and Yugoslavia that the US and UK worried it was going to join the Communist sphere. The Kibutz is still closer to the socialist ideal of a cooperative than anything in the Western or Arabian worlds. But then I suppose that's quickly forgotten when you have someone else doing all your thinking for you.
"One side has one of the most advanced military forces in the world. The other has primitive pipe bombs....." Ignoring the large amount of sophisticated weaponary that HAMAS has to hand (including the latest anti-tank missiles and artillery rockets), the fact is Israel does not use even a fraction of the force available, otherwise Gaza would just be one long, smoking crater. There is also a simple reason Israel has much better weapons - Israel has a developed population with an economy that thrives on innovation (want to guess where some of the bits in the PC you used to post came from?). On the other side you have the Palestinians, herded into and kept in refugee camps by Arab governments determined to use them against Israel. As someone once observed, winners don't need suicide bombers (or pipe bombs) 'cos they have real bombers.
"....One side uses 4 to 6 times the amount of water per head than the other...." Maybe the above statement should be changed to winners have modern irrigation and sanitation systems.
"....One side demolishes the infrastructure of the other as a collective punishment....." Seeing as the destruction is the direct result of HAMAS's own policies of terror attacks on Israel, you could say it's completely self-inflicted. And please see the point above - if Israel really wanted to "punish" the Gazans then they could do a lot, lot worse.
"....One side has suffered 6 times the civilian casualties of the other and 10 times the child casualties....." By who's figures? I'm guessing the comic ones that come out of the PA, HAMAS or UNWRA. Like the figures for the 2002 Jenin "massacare", where the Fake-istinians claimed a "genocide", with official spokesperson Saeb Erekat claiming 3000 dead, a claim trumpeted around the World by such guillable idiots as yourself. Of course, it wasn't true, with Fatah being caught on video staging a funeral with a living "martyr" (, very funny stuff). Even Fatah had to finally admit there were only 52 dead compared to 23 Israelli soldiers killed, and some of the Palestinian dead had been killed by booby-traps set by their own side. Any claim since made by any Palestinian-linked entity has been treated as suspect as they have a history of lies and propaganda masquerading as fact. Yahoogle Pallywood for a few more examples. Still, 23 dead soldiers was too much for Israel (they actually care about their people, not their "martyrs"), and they retrained and introduced new methods to limit the effects of the Palestinian tactics of hiding amongst civillians in built-up areas where Israel could but will not use the full force of their military. Hence the much lower loss ratio in Operation Cast Lead, figures which I'm sure will have really upset someone like you that hopes to see Israellis dying.
".....Do you honestly believe both sides deserve equal condemnation?" No, I don't. I think the Israellis deserve very little if any, whilst the attitude, lies and tactics of the Ummah, the Palestinians and sundry morons like yourself should be exposed and publicly shamed.
I could suggest a list of reading material to try and remove some of the innaccuracies in your education, but I sense they would be blocked by your prejudices.