back to article Hacker cuffed for Moscow big screen entertainment

Russian police have arrested the hacker who last month projected some adult entertainment on an enormous video screen in Moscow, giving locals around two minutes unexpurgated coverage of "a white male and a black female having sex". The grumble flick seen on Moscow giant screen According to Pravda, the grumble flick appeared …


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  1. Blake St. Claire

    No arrest for criminal negligence?

    Seems like the dopes who couldn't adequately secure their system ought to bear some of the blame.

    It would be interesting to know just how well protected it was. (I bet it wasn't protected at all.)

    1. voshkin

      They did, they did...

      Government was furious about this, introduced rush rules and regulations to tighten the industry.

      Hilarious as the incident was, ensuing blame-game was even more hilarious.

      Most notable hilarity was the add company blaming the internet company from whom they steam traffic data via RSS to display on the board, hoping that big name internet company (Russian equivalent of Google) would get the blame. Forgetting about the fact that RSS does not tend to hold video files.

  2. This post has been deleted by its author

  3. Stuart Reid

    Oh dear

    >Afterwards, he penetrated into the server responsible for the operation of the screen in Moscow

    >Afterwards, he penetrated into the server

    >he penetrated

    1. archengel46
      Thumb Up


      Hate it when someone gets there before me!

  4. lglethal Silver badge

    To quote the late great prophet Bill Hicks

    "I dont know what the relevance is, but god damn it - im buying that product!"

    1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

      Carla Vetting for Live Operational Virtualised Environment .....

      .... AIReality and Quite Sublimely SurReal, Monsieur President.

      Here's an interesting Governmental Appointment ...... Virtual Commission ...... for Aspirant AI Trojan Project Leaders..... Jung Napoleon and Josephines .......... "It has also been suggested that the state should have the right to plant covert trojans to monitor individual PC usage." ....

  5. Anonymous Coward

    Did he do..

    ...a public service?

    I'll get my coat.

  6. Anonymous Coward

    It's wrong, I know...

    We all know it's wrong...

    But - be honest - hands up anyone who isn't laughing....

  7. Stu Wilson
    Paris Hilton

    Truly awesome...

    .. you can see those bazookas from outer space.

    Paris cos you know, hacked, video n all.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Up

    @ AC 14:02

    "We should be able to walk around outside without having advertising shoved in our faces."

    Couldn't agree more. I for one am sick of having it constantly shoved down my throat.... wait, hold on!

    I'm sorry, but this hack is superb!

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    I wonder if some OZ group has contract him already to do some inside work behind the OZ's firewall

  10. Robert Carnegie Silver badge


    I imagined he just turned up with his own projector. But that's a different one.

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I take my hat off to this chap

    after all, there's no way a few minutes of a couple going at it can be any less enlightening than the usual fare that's splashed across billboards

  12. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    At least he had the good taste to leave it until after the watershed. If you're old enough to be walking around the city center at 11pm, you're old enough to watch some porno, that's what I say.

    I love that the woman was so "shocked" that she couldn't take pictures. What was she gonna do with them? Put them on the mantelpiece?

  13. Anonymous Coward


    Can he hack my computer next please?

  14. Anonymous Coward

    In Soviet Union...

    Wideo screen turn you on!

  15. Joe User

    Film's title

    "Attack of the 30-foot Todger"

  16. heyrick Silver badge

    Woman too shocked to even grab video...

    What a prude!

  17. Pan Narrans
    Paris Hilton

    heart attack

    I heard elsewhere that some guy watching it had a heart attack. Am I a bad person for finding that funny?

    A couple of notes:

    1. next time he should hold a online auction for the right to choose which action gets played.

    2. what would it take to have this done all over Canberra?

  18. Daniel B.

    Is it that much different than "regular" programming?

    I once went to a local mall a couple of years ago, and was greeted by p0rn being shown in the food court screens. However, this "porn" was actually a 50 cent video. So you don't really need to hack these things to get porn, just switch to rapper videos!

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