@Neal 5
Dear Mr 5,
Being who i am i am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and trust that your post was sarcastic in nature...If not,well,I shake my head at your words.
You know what i hate?,Elvis,can't stand him,I think that anything to do with this person should be banned off of the Internet and if i had my way and was in that position of power i would.
And mango's,rotten foul smelling things,block all images,recipes and mention of mango's
off the web,why not?I consider mangos and Elvis to be as inherently vile as porn of any sort and
think that the world will be a better place without them.
You may think that i am an advocate of porn,well i am not,never looked at it on my Magic Toaster,never will,don't like it,detest it in fact,but, Slippery slopes and all that,
once you start down that path then it is not far to the bottom and when someone has the power to remove what you think is fine then i am sure that you would have a different view.
I don't want my government telling me what i can/can't read,look at,listen too,I am not their peon and never will be,It is my responsibility to police what i and my children do on the internet,I am well capable of doing this and do not need a mob of bureaucrats who are absolutely clueless
about much more than when their next snout in trough session will take place thank you very much.
First they came for the Jews...