back to article Scenic overlook bolted onto ISS

The premier - and most exclusive - place to observe Earth has been successfully latched and bolted to the planet-side port of the International Space Station's new Tranquility node, NASA said on Monday. The Tranquility node was initially installed onto the ISS on Friday, with its cupola observation deck reattached from its …


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  1. James 47
    Thumb Up

    torqued in Earth's gravity


    Seriously, what a cool job it must be where you can make this kind of mistake

    1. TeeCee Gold badge


      I'm more interested in how, if you apply a torque of x to a bolt, gravitational effects cause it to become x+n. I need to know how much I should adjust for g the 75 lb/f that I'm supposed to apply to my cylinder head bolts.

      1. No, I will not fix your computer

        All torq

        If a bolt is under strain (i.e. suspending something) then the torque settings will be different to when it has no strain.

        You will need more (or less) moment of force (torque) if the perpendicular force is not zero, torque convers the rotational force to perpendicular force (sort of, not really but it's close enough).

        1. TeeCee Gold badge

          Yes, but....

          Surely when in zero gee, nothing's suspended from anything and thus the torque required to remove whatever it is should be lower?

          Personally I think NASA are playing fast a loose with terminology and that these bolts were not "torqued" (i.e. tightened to a specified torque setting) but just "done up tight". The torque level associated with "tight" would certainly be affected by whether or not the bloke with the spanner can rely on gravity holding him down while he applies the oof.

  2. Anonymous Coward

    Start your protests...

    ...over the naming as a representation of the farcical failure of online democracy. Yes I was one of the people who voted for Colbert's naming of the node and it really chafes having all this tranquility rammed sideways up the back passage. Please join in and make your voices heard.

    1. Richard 81


      OK so tranquillity may be a dumb name, but what was the one you were backing?

      1. Anonymous Coward

        What's in a name

        Keith! They should have called the new module Keith.

        Or possibly Derek.

        But possibly who gives a sh|t what you call a 10 ton can of air?

      2. Anonymous Coward

        Name debate explained

        This article explains the earlier post adequately enough.-->

        I was just commenting about Stephen Colbert's attempt on his comedy show and oft attributed as eminently watchable within these walls-------------

        "El Reg has made it on to the <b>best</b> US satirical current affairs show: The Colbert Report. " - Andrew Orlowski

        I know I'm resurrecting a dead(?) topic, but hey, it wasn't even in the related stories section which I thought was an omission!

  3. Nick Fisher
    Thumb Up


    Talby would approve.

  4. TRT

    Doesn't that make it...

    Tranquility. Interesting choice. I guess that makes it a moon cupola.

  5. gimbal

    All the better watch the world's glaciers stay fixedly in place, with.

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