"I will not defend the "rights" of racists to be racist, or defend their "rights" to have their views heard or published. I will fight to stop them and all their kind."
I disagree. Let 'em talk, so the intelligent amongst us can point and giggle. Trust me, when you call the silly idiots on it, they slink away in a hurry. Occasionally, once in a while, they actually learn that they are being idiots over simple cultural and/or skin colo(u)r differences.
Case in point: I'm as white as the driven snow, being of ethnic Finnish descent. Likewise, being an ethnic Finn, I have zero "Caucasian" blood in me. When I first enrolled at Berkeley, I applied for student aid as an ethnic minority (which is true, and the .fed agrees with me). The African American woman behind the counter got extremely bent out of shape, despite the fact that I had proof of my ethnicity. She kept going on about how "white boys don't need no help!"(sic). When I pointed out how she was being racist, based purely on the color of my skin, she went absolutely nuts ... security was called. After the usual palaver, her manager (another African American woman) realized that her employee was being stupid and apologized to me. Eventually, the employee was fired for refusing to apologize. I got the loan ... and a part-time job processing student applications.
Another case: I got a contract to install new hardware and rewire a smallish data center (swapping out everything for Gig-E connectivity). As usual, when the time came to actually do the work, I took my fieldhands and foreman along. These guys are all ethnically Mexican, have been with me for years, and I think the world of them. As we entered the Lobby, the owner of the company greeted us and shook my hand and exclaimed "I can see you have enough muscle power for the dumb, heavy work!" My foreman looked him right in the eye and said "It might get heavy, but it isn't dumb. Consider the fact that we are here to do a fairly simple job that apparently nobody in your organization knows how to do." I snickered. The owner slinked off, red faced.
The foreman is an Hispanic native Californian; his several-greats grandparents settled here before California existed ... He has an uncanny resemblance to surviving pictures of Pancho Villa, including mustache. He also has degrees in Ranch Management and Mechanical Engineering.
Word spread of the short-but-sweet telling off, it would seem the Hispanic security guard at the front desk had overheard ... during the install, the security staff kept us fed & watered, and every time I made eye contact with my foreman I had a bit of a laugh. I gave the foreman my cut of that job ... and found out later that he in turn passed it along to the other four guys. They probably sent it back home to their Mom in the Yucatan. (They are brothers, two sets of twins, a couple years apart, and work together almost telepathically. I am extremely lucky to have them as friends, never mind as employees.)
We all bleed red, people, and we all share DNA and Mitochondrial DNA. We are ALL related ... Treat Humans as Humans, and the other Humans will respond accordingly.