back to article Opera beta bear hugs plug-in-free video

With the beta release of its latest desktop browser, Opera now gives you plug-in-free video. The Opera 10.5 beta joins Mozilla's Firefox, Apple's Safari, and Google's Chrome in offering support for the HTML5 video tag - which Opera first proposed back in 2007. This leaves Microsoft's Internet Explorer as the odd browser out. …


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  1. Trevor Pott o_O Gold badge

    HTML 5

    <video codec="h.264" src="[some file]" />

    <video codec="ogg" src="[some file]" />

    <video codec="future developped video codec" src="[some file]" />

    Can we please just grow up and move on? Allow specifying of the codec, and then your browsers can compete on features, (such as supported codecs) while still actually supporting the standard.

    Problem solved.

    1. KenBW2

      Because then it's not a standard!

      The point in standards is that it's write once, run anywhere. In your example Browser X won't play your video, unless you have multiple formats available

      1. Trevor Pott o_O Gold badge

        Re: Because then it's not a standard!

        Not in the purest sense, no. However the only bit that isn't "standard" in my approach is the codec...which is specifiable. My point is that if they can't grow up and agree on a codec, let's make it specifiable and move on. I don't give a rat's ass about who has the more "pure" philosophy, but I do care about anything that holds up innovation. HTML5 is being held up by this dumb video tag? Fine, set the standard up so you don't have to specify the codec. Split the codec war out into a separate committee with the goal that they should pick one for ratification in HTML 5.1

        We can then move forward while still letting the little children fight their pedantic little wars. Honestly, it’s things like this that make me ashamed to be an IT geek. Option A is a bunch of greedy twats trying to stifle competition or screw the consumer out of yet more money, (think every IT company ever that has “made it big.”) Option B is a bunch of arrogant and inflexible geeks who are convinced they know better than anyone else. (Beautiful examples are the purists who decided we aren’t “allowed” NAT or private addresses in IPV6 because despite honest and legitimate requests for them from business users, etc. it’s sight doth offend them and they knoweth what we need and want better than those who would use the tech. Or OpenSSL folk who repeatedly say “thou shalt not be allowed transfer resume support on SFTP, because we decree thou shalt use rsync for everything.” I could go on for days.)

        My point is that it’s about time that the entire industry grows up, stops the petty and pointless bickering, and works on advancing technologies. If we can’t agree on one aspect of a standard, table that for later, and let’s not hold up the rest of the innovation contained therein.

  2. JP19

    Dailymotion's open videos

    Any chance it'll work with Dailymotion's ogg videos?

  3. MarkOne
    Thumb Up

    Opera really is pushing the boundries.

    Opera 10.50 is simply jawdroppingly good. As it the best Opera Mini 5 Beta, even on a lowly Nokia S40 phone it's REALLY usable.

    When Opera has a browser for Android, that's when I will get a Android handset.

    1. DJV Silver badge

      Jawdroppingly good?

      Nope, it lags behind Firefox and Webkit-based browsers in many CSS-3 areas (multiple columns being a very important omission). Ok, so it's not the total laggard that IE is, of course, but absolutely no way is it "Jawdroppingly good" or "pushing the boundaries".

      I can't comment on the "Mini" version as I don't surf the internet from a phone.

      1. Anonymous Coward

        You are joking, right?

        Opera is way ahead of the other browsers in many CSS3 areas. And you have one single example of something it doesn't support, and that means it's at the level of Internet Explorer?


        Opera 10.5 is currently the leading HTML5 browser.

  4. Adrian Crooks

    Is HTML an open standard?

    If HTML is an open standard then it really doesn't make sense for them to be standardizing on a codec that is not. Like another poster stated, how about we let the browsers battle out which codec they support, but I would suggest lets twist that a bit and declare that the codec, (whichever codec they use) must be open and free. Therefore if someone creates some "ACME" codec that is openly published, then use of it is acceptable by the standard.

    Right now web site developers often settle first on what works across the largest audience and then look into working with the smaller crowds. Picking a single format could stifle competition.

    In the case of OGG VS h264 due to hardware acceleration then I see that as a chance for some enterprising developer/company to provide an accelerated player that kicks dirt in the face of h264 players. Better yet, I see it as an opportunity for someone to update the format to be more acceleration friendly.

    Whichever the case I would love to get rid of the heavy flash player that sucks tons of resources to play simple 480p video.

  5. Ben Ryves


    Dailymotion informs me I have to use Firefox. Hurrah for browser sniffing. (Setting Opera to Masquerade as Firefox doesn't work, presumably as it's spoofing a too-old version of Firefox).

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Titley, Titley, Title Me Do

      More likely the browser sniffing is using JS object detection and not UA string parsing.

  6. John Tserkezis
    Thumb Down

    I make it easy for others.

    If your site is tied to IE and only IE. I won't ever see it.

    If your site is laced with lots of flash content. I won't ever see it.

    If your site requires me to divulge personal information to get something "free". I won't ever see it.

    If your site requires me to pay royalties to view your "special" content. I won't ever see it.

    If your site requires my browser maker to pay royalties (resulting in more ads). I won't ever see it.

    This is The Internet we're talking about. There are many ways to get content. And the "only" way, is not YOUR way, Google and Apple.

    1. Rex Alfie Lee

      A Small Perspective...

      Nice thought but most people don't think the way you do.

  7. Andrew Hodgkinson

    Re: HTML 5

    Couldn't agree more.

    While everyone is arguing over video tags, I love the way that audio tags are mostly ignored. For example, Firefox won't handle MP3s - only Vorbis files. Many more people understand MP3 than understand H264 or Theora, so to many more people, the idea that you can't use MP3 audio files will be particularly bizarre. The same reason exists of course - Vorbis is open/free, MP3 is not.

    These technologically incompetent arguments continue to amaze me. If you must integrate support for specific CODECs into your core browser, then do so. If you really *must* insist on that bloat, fine. But if you encounter a CODEC you can't handle, don't sit there like a lemon; use the OS you're running on. That's what it's there for.

  8. Jamie Jones Silver badge

    Back in the day....

    People used the object tag, with the mime type for the content. Worked for video, audio etc.

    My browser would launch the mplayer plugin, and so you'd get a native video player playing the content.

    Then, because so many Windows people didn't seem to have this functionality (at least, not by default), the 'video in a flash-file' hack became ubiquitous.

    How is bringing a new tag any use? Why not improve support for object - I can't see what the advantage of <video> is

  9. jon 77

    @ JP19, Ben Ryves - URL please??

    I see no problem with dailymotion in any opera I use... 10.5 build 3248 has no problems, even when ID as Opera...

    There is link 'use new player' but that still uses flash...

    A URL and directions to get a proper html5 test would help...

  10. Joel Fiser
    Big Brother

    Flash innovates - Standards follow...

    HTML standards will continue to add stuff and improve at a rate that keeps them about 5 years behind Flash...

    Flash's proprietary nature, ironically is a HUGE advantage in that it can innovate and be ubiquitous in 8 months... Standards take 5-6 years.

    Every cool feature in HTML5 was inspired by Flash.

    This setup is not changing anytime soon. That's very good for our beloved Internet.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Thumb Up

      Open standards are necessary

      Flash's proprietary nature is also its downfall. It will now disappear because free and open technologies will replace it. Bye bye, Adobe!

  11. jon 77

    @Jamie Jones

    the problem with the media plugin, was the practice of MS changing all the rules, so it could get more money out of it!!!

    It was also a lot easier with flash, as it does not depend on lots of 'external' programs... Only trouble is, adobe is now getting 'fat' on the proceeds...

  12. jon 77

    @John Tserkezis...

    In your world, the small companies will die out due to lack of funding... Do you really want that???

    I have NO PROBLEM with ads, ALL they need to do is be quiet, no bright animations, no 'moving like crazy'... just like all the ads in papers, on the street...

    And I love google adsense, it means when I am on my sub-aqua forum, I get good adverts for cheap sub aqua gear, not boring ads for housing, household stuff, etc...

  13. jon 77

    ENOUGH TALK!!!!! WHERE can I test HTML5?????

    you must know something, guys????

    1. Trevor Pott o_O Gold badge

      ell oh ell

      opera's latest is html5 exclamation point question mark exclamation point

  14. Anonymous Coward

    Why the obsession with ogg theora?

    Dirac is a perfectly good video codec, designed with streaming video in mind and with throughput and quality superior to Ogg Theora, directly comparable to H264. As a bonus, it is free as in speech and patent unemcumbered, as far as the Beeb's lawyers can tell. So why are the freetards so obseesed with Ogg Theora?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Theora = streaming

      Theora has much better quality at streaming bitrates than Dirac.

      Dirac is better for offline/archiving purposes.

      It's not that anyone is "obsessed" with Theora, it's that Theora is better for streaming on the web.

  15. jon 77

    DEMO here!!! (INSIDE the browser!!)

    download from (YES! Video does work on my P4 1Ghz PC, XP SP2)

    then play HTML5 video here....

    get PROPER feedback here!! :)

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