Enough said.
Red Dwarf thesp Robert Llewellyn has been left a tad red-faced after exposing his mobile phone number to the interwebs. Llewellyn was evidently so fired up about the acquisition of a new iPhone 3G that he slapped this snap of the boxed Jesus Phone up on Twitpic, unaware he was laying bare his most intimate digits: Robert …
Yes I am a fan, so much so that after the first ten minutes of the recent 3 part special I stopped watching. However, I still don't see why I would want to call any of them, it's just something I can't get my head around. Red Dwarf is a TV programme for entertainment, the actors did what they get paid to do and on the whole they did it well. They act, I watch, that's the end of the relationship.
He does that too, and probably other things. People (not like us) have this wierd celebrity worship thing going on. I don't really get it, but they do, and they would phone the number for similar unknown (to me) reasons.
The only celebrity worth worshipping is the Moderatrix.
by referencing it as if it were correct, it's generally best to repeat the misspelling. I think the majority of us know what a "polaroid" is, and certainly the Red Dwarf fans know what a "double polaroid" is (and just by context, the majority of the rest should be able to figure it out...)
...Typical Apple Fanboi
...and no I'm not taking the mickey out of "typical Apple users" I said typical Apple fanboi. Anyone who has seen his website, watched his video podcast or heard him on a certain 'Apple fanboi' podcast presented by Leo 'the lovable fanbio' Laporte knows what I mean!
Think about it, taking a pic of new Apple product and tweeting it = FANBOI - just another example of putting Apple (the cult) first before your own personal safety, security and dignity.
Ok ok, I admit it, I'm just teasing the Apple fanbios - but please, they do ask for it sometimes, well always nearly!
I take the mick out of all platforms, its just that the media is so obsessed with Apple that its rare these days to find a good opportunity to take the mickey out of M$ or Linux. I've completely ran out of blue screening jokes and if you say anything bad about Linux you get accused of being part of the axis of evil and a penguin hater!
And for the record, anyone who take a picture of a cardboard box, dose a youtube video of themselves opening a cardboard box or tweets about a cardboard is silly - unless of course your name is Stuart Ashen or its a huge oversized cardboard box containing one usb cable from HP, in which case I expect a full in-depth report here on the Register!
Paris, cos we have all seen her box!
It would have been nice to have some more details in this article.
Did he get any calls? How did he 'sort' the problem - was he able to change the SIM and if so what was the charge, or did he have to replace the entire phone? If so, did the Apple Store gush over yet another celebrity visitor and do it for free?
If it was a normal phone, you'd just change the SIM (free for a PAYG, not sure about contract), but being the iesuPhone™ (or iPhone as it's sometimes known, for short), and on such a barmy O2 contract, I wonder what happens if you need to change numbers and you aren't famous. And, whether it's all free if you are, as it usually is with St Jobs and his iCardinals.
I liked Red Dwarf too, but I'm not sure why that makes any difference to what, if anything, I think of Robert Llewellyn. He's an actor, and he was playing a role.
That doesn't mean he's incapable of making a perfectly human mistake, or that it's particularly newsworthy when he does.
(It also doesn't mean, incidentally, that he's to blame that the introduction of Kryten as a regular character was the point at which Red Dwarf jumped the shark. It was all downhill from there.)
I would phone him and tell him he's plastered his number already over the internet in his photo and await his reaction staggering but I'm sure he's already aware of this.
I've watched his shows on Llewdtube a few times and quite impressed with the concept but I think scrapheap challenge was so much better but some of it on Llewdtube is interesting.
This and the Prius issue have possibly sent him over the edge...