Let us not forget...
The only reason we dont have fibre to every door is a Conservatiove decision by Thatcher to not let BT do this...
I cant find the original article but:
In the mid-1980s the talk was all of wiring up every home with fibre optic cables with virtually unlimited capacity. BT offered to do a deal with the government under which it would build a nationwide fibre optic network in exchange for being allowed to deliver "entertainment" (TV, videos etc) along its lines.
But Margaret Thatcher rejected that on the grounds that it simply extended BT's monopoly and opted instead to generate more competition for BT by establishing a cable TV industry.
What benefit did we get from this decision? None. Why again are the Conservative party attacking BT, a British company that was doing well before they forced this false market on us... It surely cant have anything to do with the people contributing to Tory funds -- I refuse to believe this...