"Last time I looked at it OO was a nightmare."
Maybe you should look at OO again. It has progressed since you last looked at it, judging by your appallingly ignorant rant.
"The only way you could define it as a competing product to MSOffice is if you only used the most basic functions of the word processor or spreadsheets"
And what percentage of MS Office users use anything other than the most basic functions? My guess would be so small a number as to approach statistical abnormality and/or meaninglessness.
"I was told on one occasion, at a presentation of SUSE, that Novel (who were the then-current torch-holders for OO)"
Since when did Novell ever carry OO under their umbrella? Do you live in an alternate reality?
"had grudgingly added pivot-table support to the OO spreadsheet after being "moaned at" by business communities for a year, even though the presenter could see no reason for them."
People have been using so-called "pivot tables" (better known as "a form of data mining") for a hell of a lot longer than Microsoft has held a trademark on the term. I was doing the same thing with 13-column pads & 10-key calculators in the late '60s thru' the '70s ... and then VisiCalc appeared, making our lives vastly easier (thanks, Dan & Bob!). Breaking down data by product, region, date of sale, whathaveyou isn't exactly new. Come to think of it, what the fuck do you think insurance company actuary tables are? Lloyd's has been around for how long, exactly? (nb: google should be avoided at all costs, they are an accident waiting to happen ...).
And as a side-note, using a spreadsheet as a database is almost universally frowned upon in $LargeCorporateWorld these days ...
"He then went on to say they had also added digital camera support to the workstation version of SUSE, although he couldn't see any reason for it."
I *STILL* see no reason for explicit support for digital cameras. I've been using digital cameras with Slackware since I first owned a digital camera, probably 15 years ago. To date, all of them have appeared to the system as removable media ... so what the fuck are you whining about?
"I stuck up my hand and said: "So you are giving a promo in New York and have no interest in Madison Avenue or the Newspaper Industry as potential clients?" The look of dawning comprehension on his face was a thing to behold."
Trust me, youngster, publishing & the news industry was well aware of the digital world a lot earlier than you were ... and apparently the SUSE sales-droid wasn't technically competent.
"And one more rant while I'm at it: We'll never be free of MS dominance if, as soon as some glaring lack-of-equivalence is thrown into harsh relief, the pro-OO community fall back on "What do you expect, it's free?" Any corporate IT guy only falls for that one once."
Me and mine are free of the MS monopoly. The wife and I run several interactive businesses (feed store, tack store, riding school, driving school, trail rides, vineyard, winery, tasting room, bakery, dog kennel, dog training/LEO consulting, sheep station, horse rehab, horse breeding, "day camp" for local at-risk kids, and the totally separate "mechanical" that rents machinery to all of the above, as needed; likewise "maintenance" ... to say nothing of my free-lance computer/networking consultancy (nine-to-five free since '88, and happy about it!), and I might go commercial with my home brewery in the coming year). It has all been handled by FOSS software since the year dot.
But seeing as it doesn't work for you, I must be doing something wrong. Care to enlighten me as to the fatal flaw in my plan?
"I vowed from that day never again to put my name behind "community delveloped" software unless the recommendation came from a similar-sized enterprise, and to never believe word one of the developer buzz."
So basically, you've bought into the entrenched Microsoft coolaid^Winertia, and refuse to investigate the evolving reality of other options for yourself? OK. I can live with that :-)
"But I guess I'm too stupid to know any better."
If you say so, who am I to argue?