And so the Netbooks spiral into insignificance
These latest netbooks seem pointless, they're not significantly smaller or lighter than full laptops, and they're not significantly cheaper either.
Where are the netbooks that exist somewhere between a highly powered mobile phone ( Nokia N900 ) and a full laptop ?
I'd love to buy something like the original Asus Eee PC 701 ( but with less bezel around the screen and thus a larger LCD , but not larger overall form factor. )
I'd love there to be a netbook that weighs around 800 - 900 grams
And it would be running Linux on an SSD of around 12 - 20 GB.
Most of all it would cost less than 200 quid.
The netbook idea as implemented by Asus, Samsung, Acer , Toshiba and the rest seems now to be approaching bloated middle age ( a bit like me), and that's never an enticing place to be.
Netbooks need to be lean - mean and cheap. Something that's better than browsing/emailing on a crackberry/other-mobile-phone. They do NOT need to be full PC replacements, capable of HD Video.
Please someone tell the manufacturers this.