One wonders...
...what aircraft they used to test their claims of resiliency?
European data centres can recover data from data centres blown to smithereens by using Axxana's near-bomb proof Phoenix data recovery system MTI is now marketing Axxana's Phoenix RP hardened enterprise data recorder in Europe, but not the middle East and Africa. The story is that, even if a passenger jet flies into a data …'s the fuel.
Show me that a product can withstand the hellish inferno of a crashed plane, and I will be impressed. Protection from mere impact is something we have been able to do for a while now. For all intents and purposes you take your backup device and wrap it in a Toyota. Crumple zones, rigid "cabin" etc. etc. etc.
Preventing that same item from melting/overheating/etc...that's a whole other ball game.
"...adds that in as it is sent by the Phoenix box's mobile phone link....."
Which'll work really well after the local authorities have locked the cell system into "emergency services only" mode while they deal with the disaster in question.
Even if that doesn't happen, the fact that everyone within a 20 mile radius will be trying to phone world + dog should make getting a data connection rather fun.