For a moment I thought I was reading The Telegraph.
The Crown Prosecution Service has informed the Metropolitan Police that it intends to charge four politicians with accounting offences after the investigation into the expenses scandal. The police passed files on six individuals to the CPS which chose four that it believed had sufficient evidence for a successful prosecution …
"The Labour peer admitted claiming up to £18,000 a year for overnight stays in London when he often either stayed with friends or drove home."
If he's admitted it then he's guilty and just needs sentencing. And the CPS don't think that they could get a conviction even when the accused has already admitted the offense? Who are these people?
And I would be sacked, and the Infernal Revinooers who have no qualms about prosecuting me if I had put in a single false claim.
It really is one rule for the plebs and no rules for our overlords.
Just a few scapegoats offered up to the media, whilst the rest of the war criminals, gangsters and con men catty on as normal.
We want a revolution now!
We don't have a democracy, my MP was parachuted in by Liebore central against the wishes of the local party. Does he represent the views of the people in South Shields? NO and er NO, as more people voted for other parties than ZanuNuLiebore. My dad always used to say that they could see a red rosette to a donkey or a turd and it would still get elected. Both true now.
end of Rant.
You know what, I'm getting really fed up of people thinking they're clever saying things like "ZanuNuLieBore" or "McBroon", it's not clever on BBC HYS and it's certainly not clever here. You don't make reasonable, coherent arguments by coming up with silly little pet names.
Also comparing New Labour to ZanuPF in Zimbabwe is incredibly offensive. We may have a number of corrupt MPs and a broken system but comparing a bit of our tax money being spent on a second home is nothing the situation where people are dying or being murdered by their own government in Zimbabwe. The situation in this country does not even compare to the hardships people in Zimbabwe are putting up with, but people like you seem to think someone buying a duck house and then putting vat up by 2.5% somehow puts you on the same level?
Everyone needs to think just how good we have it in this country compared to others. I'm not saying we don't need to strive to improve, to find the corrupt politicians and punish them, buty we also need to realise that as things go, we all have a pretty good life in this country.
Actually I work for a large, private IT contracting firm with very few Government contracts. I also do not actually support the Labour government, I just realise things could be a lot worse and I'm thankful for what I've got. I also don't feel I need to resort to childish name calling to get my point across.
Anything else you'd like to accuse me of? Maybe I'm actually Gordon in disguise? ;)
Hmmmm... someone is getting his knickers in a twist. And no, I am not the AC that posted the original message. Both he and you and I are entitled to our views and to post them here (if the Moderatrix allows it) However, whilst you may be upset at the name calling, it is nothing to the anger that is felt by many others at the appalling activities emanating from the HoP.
Unfortunately politics and corruption go hand in hand. The writer Bernard Cornwall came up with the best definition ".. he is a politican, so would eat dung for money or power". The Roman Empire is known to have suffered exacttly the same troubles so it is nothing new.
However, the situation in the UK at the moment is probably as bad as it has been since the days of the Rotten Boroughs. You say "We may have a few corrupt politicians.." but I would suggest that there are more than a few - what we are seeing is purely the tip of the iceberg.
They are themselves guilty of many worse things than using phrases such as "ZaNuLabour" etc. Both parties have instigated various campaigns to undermine their opponents - photo shopped pictures, written attack blogs, produced email campaigns, and for them this is seen as quite legitimate tactics. All of this is designed to try to divert attention from what is actually going on.
They bend the truth like a pretzel until black is white, night is day, and the massive burden of debt faced by the country is caused by a few greedy people in the financial industry rather than by politicians spending our money at a rate that is completely unsustainable by any measure. Note that this was the tactic used by the Nazi party to justify the attacks on Jews, and other non-Aryan peoples.
As for not murdering people, there are many that are still suspicious about Dr David Kelly. Also, a large number of troops have died in both Iraq and Afghanistan - I fully support the troops who are doing a difficult job with great skill and courage, but what are they really there for and why were they put in such an invidious position? How many Iraqi and Afghan civilians were killed? Far too many people have died for a lie.
As for having a good life, certainly they have had had a good life and at our expense. There are those of us that have worked hard, saved money, and provided for our families. Some have also tried to help their local communities and local people often without any reward. The behaviour of the politicians is a massive slap in the face to all of us that behave with honesty and integrity.
you are a little troublemaker aren't you. You think 'Blah Blah Blah' is right, but you want to accuse someone of being a troll for it, and then go for the contrived 'Daily Mail Reader' shot at poor deluded government part time working Jamie Cole.
I know your type, you back down quick but you like to think you are can bring order, you're a weakling with conflicting emotions.
One suspects Ms. Bee is going to be carefully moderating this stream as, with charges about to be raised, the cases of the particular individuals will be subject, to sub judice rules and one imagines that El Reg wouldn't want to be up in front of the beaks on a contempt of court charge.
Get your bags packed for your guilt trip. I call them anything but what they are. Do they represent the working man? I don't think so. If you are tired of the dears being called names, it is not as tired as the average man in the street is of their antics, which pretty much border on Banana republic politics such as those in Zimbabwe really Rhodesia (Have a fit over that name eh) when Rhodesia was the breadbasket of Africa, now the basket case. Same here in the UK. 13 years of corrupt MPs of both persuasions illegal wars, reckless spending, stripping of civil liberties, whilst the manufacturing industries have been decimated.
Let me remind you of what the job of an MP is: To represent the views of the people who elected him. Not to fiddle the system to feather their own nests.
Corruption is the same whether it is in Africa or the UK. Do not tolerate it. It is my tax, your tax they are stealing. Billions for bank bailout, bugger all for industry. Bye bye Rover, bye bye Corus, bye bye (insert name of British company here)
btw I'm really looking forward to my council tax going up again this year to pay for the legions of local government workers. In my town 60% of the employed work in Local government. A real model of prosperity NOT.
If anyone thinks for a minute these four will get 7 years in jail are kidding themselves.
There are plently of others who are just as guilty including Gordon bloody Brown.
The lot of them should be locked up in the London Tower then racked up in stocks for the people to throw out of date Tesco cauliflowers at them for treason! (seriously).
Paris, because I always choose her and she'd make a cool PM...
...the fact that Morley was submitting letters to support his mortgage claims, but says that it was an accident. So it's possible to accidentally falsify letters claiming that a mortgage exists?
However guilty these scumbags are the system is unreal. In at least two of these cases it is clear that they managed to make claims without having to submit receipts in support of those claims. That such a system was allowed to exist by the parliamentary authorities beggars belief. But what has me choking on my beer is the fact that the tax man allowed it to happen. Every smallest expenses claim I make has to be backed up with a VAT receipt, a proper fully fledged VAT receipt, till receipts are not enough, but the tax man will allow MPs to claim without something as simple as a till receipt. The whole system is clearly in breach of tax law. It's not just the claimants that need to be prosecuted, the administrators of the system are bang to rights too.
Apparently the charged Members of Parliament are planning to use the antiquated law of parliamentary privilege to get away with their ill-gotten takings. This law that was enacted in the 1689 Bill of Rights was to protect Parliamentarians from arrest in the course of their duties. Then the Act was to stop their heads being chopped off by an all powerful dictator. Today although it appears at times that we have a dictatorial leadership, this clearly cannot happen. If these scroungers therefore get off on this ancient 321 year old law, it means that MPs can do anything more-or-less with impunity and commit even greater crimes against the people that they supposingly serve. If this happens, political democracy and parliament have then failed miserably the people and where our political system is completely out of touch with even reality itself. We need the whole system bringing up to date where human integrity is brought back into the equation for the nation’s sake and primarily before anarchy is the price that we all have to pay.
Dr David Hill
World Innovation Foundation Charity
....is a story to deflect Labour's failures from appearing on the tabloid front pages.
So let's have a crummy story going on for a few weeks until May 6th as these 4 rascals get taken thru the courts, and on May 7th you'll never hear of them again.
I see that the rulers of the universe (well Gordon did solve the worlds financial crisis didn't he?) are catching up on the Cameron lead. So we are probably heading for a hung parliament with no party in overall power. Back to the 70's and the dodgy dealing between 'government' ministers lads. We need a hung parliament like we need a £200bn deficit.
For crying out loud elect the Cameron mob for a parliament and let them start winding in the debt. Otherwise we'll be in an even sicker state in 5 years time.
And Paris because I mentioned hung above. Nothing hanging round here when I'm thinking of her......