Competition for intel?
Are ye missing something? They'll patent this, and lease the rights to use it, to everyone else, including Intel - same as they have been doing with all their inventions for 3 decades. Around 60-80% of the profits on a current Intel chip go straight Armonk, anyway, with none of the production overhead to worry about.
It's the same with high density disc drives, laser optics, RAM - a whole raft of the hard stuff that goes into anything, these days - from a mainframe to a E-book. There's not been a lot of computer, you could build, since the late 80s, that would even function without making use of some patented IBM technologies. Sooner or later, the money gets back to Armonk. Thats how you get to 'lose' control of a PC industry, and yet still somehow manage to remain the biggest IT company in the world.
We see a tentacle here, we see a tentacle over there - but somehow, no one ever seems to wonder if all the tentacles might actually joint together into something really big, that's right underneath them.